Source code for espnet.nets.beam_search

"""Beam search module."""

import logging
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union

import torch

from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect
from espnet.nets.scorer_interface import PartialScorerInterface, ScorerInterface

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Hypothesis(NamedTuple): """Hypothesis data type.""" yseq: torch.Tensor score: Union[float, torch.Tensor] = 0 scores: Dict[str, Union[float, torch.Tensor]] = dict() states: Dict[str, Any] = dict() # dec hidden state corresponding to yseq, used for searchable hidden ints hs: List[torch.Tensor] = []
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: """Convert data to JSON-friendly dict.""" return self._replace( yseq=self.yseq.tolist(), score=float(self.score), scores={k: float(v) for k, v in self.scores.items()}, )._asdict()
[docs]class BeamSearch(torch.nn.Module): """Beam search implementation.""" def __init__( self, scorers: Dict[str, ScorerInterface], weights: Dict[str, float], beam_size: int, vocab_size: int, sos: int, eos: int, token_list: List[str] = None, pre_beam_ratio: float = 1.5, pre_beam_score_key: str = None, return_hs: bool = False, hyp_primer: List[int] = None, normalize_length: bool = False, ): """Initialize beam search. Args: scorers (dict[str, ScorerInterface]): Dict of decoder modules e.g., Decoder, CTCPrefixScorer, LM The scorer will be ignored if it is `None` weights (dict[str, float]): Dict of weights for each scorers The scorer will be ignored if its weight is 0 beam_size (int): The number of hypotheses kept during search vocab_size (int): The number of vocabulary sos (int): Start of sequence id eos (int): End of sequence id token_list (list[str]): List of tokens for debug log pre_beam_score_key (str): key of scores to perform pre-beam search pre_beam_ratio (float): beam size in the pre-beam search will be `int(pre_beam_ratio * beam_size)` return_hs (bool): Whether to return hidden intermediates normalize_length (bool): If true, select the best ended hypotheses based on length-normalized scores rather than the accumulated scores """ super().__init__() # set scorers self.weights = weights self.scorers = dict() self.full_scorers = dict() self.part_scorers = dict() # this module dict is required for recursive cast # `, dtype)` in `` self.nn_dict = torch.nn.ModuleDict() for k, v in scorers.items(): w = weights.get(k, 0) if w == 0 or v is None: continue assert isinstance( v, ScorerInterface ), f"{k} ({type(v)}) does not implement ScorerInterface" self.scorers[k] = v if isinstance(v, PartialScorerInterface): self.part_scorers[k] = v else: self.full_scorers[k] = v if isinstance(v, torch.nn.Module): self.nn_dict[k] = v # set configurations self.sos = sos self.eos = eos # added for OpenAI Whisper decoding self.hyp_primer = hyp_primer self.token_list = token_list self.pre_beam_size = int(pre_beam_ratio * beam_size) self.beam_size = beam_size self.n_vocab = vocab_size if ( pre_beam_score_key is not None and pre_beam_score_key != "full" and pre_beam_score_key not in self.full_scorers ): raise KeyError(f"{pre_beam_score_key} is not found in {self.full_scorers}") self.pre_beam_score_key = pre_beam_score_key self.do_pre_beam = ( self.pre_beam_score_key is not None and self.pre_beam_size < self.n_vocab and len(self.part_scorers) > 0 ) self.return_hs = return_hs self.normalize_length = normalize_length
[docs] def set_hyp_primer(self, hyp_primer: List[int] = None) -> None: """Set the primer sequence for decoding. Used for OpenAI Whisper models. """ self.hyp_primer = hyp_primer
[docs] def init_hyp(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Get an initial hypothesis data. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The encoder output feature Returns: Hypothesis: The initial hypothesis. """ init_states = dict() init_scores = dict() for k, d in self.scorers.items(): init_states[k] = d.init_state(x) init_scores[k] = 0.0 # NOTE (Shih-Lun): added for OpenAI Whisper ASR primer = [self.sos] if self.hyp_primer is None else self.hyp_primer return [ Hypothesis( score=0.0, scores=init_scores, states=init_states, hs=[], yseq=torch.tensor(primer, device=x.device), ) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def append_token(xs: torch.Tensor, x: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Append new token to prefix tokens. Args: xs (torch.Tensor): The prefix token x (int): The new token to append Returns: torch.Tensor: New tensor contains: xs + [x] with xs.dtype and xs.device """ x = torch.tensor([x], dtype=xs.dtype, device=xs.device) return, x))
[docs] def score_full( self, hyp: Hypothesis, x: torch.Tensor, pre_x: torch.Tensor = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Any]]: """Score new hypothesis by `self.full_scorers`. Args: hyp (Hypothesis): Hypothesis with prefix tokens to score x (torch.Tensor): Corresponding input feature pre_x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature for sequential attn (T, D) Sequential attn computes attn first on pre_x then on x, thereby attending to two sources in sequence. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Any]]: Tuple of score dict of `hyp` that has string keys of `self.full_scorers` and tensor score values of shape: `(self.n_vocab,)`, and state dict that has string keys and state values of `self.full_scorers` """ scores = dict() states = dict() for k, d in self.full_scorers.items(): if "decoder" in k and self.return_hs: scores[k], hs, states[k] = d.score( hyp.yseq, hyp.states[k], x, return_hs=self.return_hs ) elif pre_x is not None: scores[k], states[k] = d.score(hyp.yseq, hyp.states[k], x, pre_x) else: scores[k], states[k] = d.score(hyp.yseq, hyp.states[k], x) if self.return_hs: return hs, scores, states return scores, states
[docs] def score_partial( self, hyp: Hypothesis, ids: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Any]]: """Score new hypothesis by `self.part_scorers`. Args: hyp (Hypothesis): Hypothesis with prefix tokens to score ids (torch.Tensor): 1D tensor of new partial tokens to score x (torch.Tensor): Corresponding input feature Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, Any]]: Tuple of score dict of `hyp` that has string keys of `self.part_scorers` and tensor score values of shape: `(len(ids),)`, and state dict that has string keys and state values of `self.part_scorers` """ scores = dict() states = dict() for k, d in self.part_scorers.items(): scores[k], states[k] = d.score_partial(hyp.yseq, ids, hyp.states[k], x) return scores, states
[docs] def beam( self, weighted_scores: torch.Tensor, ids: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Compute topk full token ids and partial token ids. Args: weighted_scores (torch.Tensor): The weighted sum scores for each tokens. Its shape is `(self.n_vocab,)`. ids (torch.Tensor): The partial token ids to compute topk Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: The topk full token ids and partial token ids. Their shapes are `(self.beam_size,)` """ # no pre beam performed if weighted_scores.size(0) == ids.size(0): top_ids = weighted_scores.topk(self.beam_size)[1] return top_ids, top_ids # mask pruned in pre-beam not to select in topk tmp = weighted_scores[ids] weighted_scores[:] = -float("inf") weighted_scores[ids] = tmp top_ids = weighted_scores.topk(self.beam_size)[1] local_ids = weighted_scores[ids].topk(self.beam_size)[1] return top_ids, local_ids
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_scores( prev_scores: Dict[str, float], next_full_scores: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], full_idx: int, next_part_scores: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], part_idx: int, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Merge scores for new hypothesis. Args: prev_scores (Dict[str, float]): The previous hypothesis scores by `self.scorers` next_full_scores (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): scores by `self.full_scorers` full_idx (int): The next token id for `next_full_scores` next_part_scores (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): scores of partial tokens by `self.part_scorers` part_idx (int): The new token id for `next_part_scores` Returns: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: The new score dict. Its keys are names of `self.full_scorers` and `self.part_scorers`. Its values are scalar tensors by the scorers. """ new_scores = dict() for k, v in next_full_scores.items(): new_scores[k] = prev_scores[k] + v[full_idx] for k, v in next_part_scores.items(): new_scores[k] = prev_scores[k] + v[part_idx] return new_scores
[docs] def merge_states(self, states: Any, part_states: Any, part_idx: int) -> Any: """Merge states for new hypothesis. Args: states: states of `self.full_scorers` part_states: states of `self.part_scorers` part_idx (int): The new token id for `part_scores` Returns: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: The new score dict. Its keys are names of `self.full_scorers` and `self.part_scorers`. Its values are states of the scorers. """ new_states = dict() for k, v in states.items(): new_states[k] = v for k, d in self.part_scorers.items(): new_states[k] = d.select_state(part_states[k], part_idx) return new_states
[docs] def search( self, running_hyps: List[Hypothesis], x: torch.Tensor, pre_x: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Search new tokens for running hypotheses and encoded speech x. Args: running_hyps (List[Hypothesis]): Running hypotheses on beam x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature (T, D) pre_x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature for sequential attn (T, D) Sequential attn computes attn first on pre_x then on x, thereby attending to two sources in sequence. Returns: List[Hypotheses]: Best sorted hypotheses """ best_hyps = [] part_ids = torch.arange(self.n_vocab, device=x.device) # no pre-beam for hyp in running_hyps: # scoring weighted_scores = torch.zeros(self.n_vocab, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) if self.return_hs: hs, scores, states = self.score_full(hyp, x, pre_x=pre_x) else: scores, states = self.score_full(hyp, x, pre_x=pre_x) for k in self.full_scorers: weighted_scores += self.weights[k] * scores[k] # partial scoring if self.do_pre_beam: pre_beam_scores = ( weighted_scores if self.pre_beam_score_key == "full" else scores[self.pre_beam_score_key] ) part_ids = torch.topk(pre_beam_scores, self.pre_beam_size)[1] part_scores, part_states = self.score_partial(hyp, part_ids, x) for k in self.part_scorers: weighted_scores[part_ids] += self.weights[k] * part_scores[k] # add previous hyp score weighted_scores += hyp.score # update hyps for j, part_j in zip(*self.beam(weighted_scores, part_ids)): # will be (2 x beam at most) if self.return_hs: new_hs = hyp.hs + [hs.squeeze(0)] else: new_hs = [] best_hyps.append( Hypothesis( score=weighted_scores[j], yseq=self.append_token(hyp.yseq, j), scores=self.merge_scores( hyp.scores, scores, j, part_scores, part_j ), states=self.merge_states(states, part_states, part_j), hs=new_hs, ) ) # sort and prune 2 x beam -> beam best_hyps = sorted(best_hyps, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)[ : min(len(best_hyps), self.beam_size) ] return best_hyps
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, maxlenratio: float = 0.0, minlenratio: float = 0.0, pre_x: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Perform beam search. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature (T, D) maxlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain max output length. If maxlenratio=0.0 (default), it uses a end-detect function to automatically find maximum hypothesis lengths If maxlenratio<0.0, its absolute value is interpreted as a constant max output length. minlenratio (float): Input length ratio to obtain min output length. If minlenratio<0.0, its absolute value is interpreted as a constant min output length. pre_x (torch.Tensor): Encoded speech feature for sequential attn (T, D) Sequential attn computes attn first on pre_x then on x, thereby attending to two sources in sequence. Returns: list[Hypothesis]: N-best decoding results """ # set length bounds if pre_x is not None: inp = pre_x else: inp = x if maxlenratio == 0: maxlen = inp.shape[0] elif maxlenratio < 0: maxlen = -1 * int(maxlenratio) else: maxlen = max(1, int(maxlenratio * inp.size(0))) if minlenratio < 0: minlen = -1 * int(minlenratio) else: minlen = int(minlenratio * inp.size(0))"decoder input length: " + str(inp.shape[0]))"max output length: " + str(maxlen))"min output length: " + str(minlen)) # main loop of prefix search running_hyps = self.init_hyp(x if pre_x is None else pre_x) ended_hyps = [] for i in range(maxlen): logger.debug("position " + str(i)) best =, x, pre_x=pre_x) # post process of one iteration running_hyps = self.post_process( i, maxlen, minlen, maxlenratio, best, ended_hyps ) # end detection if maxlenratio == 0.0 and end_detect([h.asdict() for h in ended_hyps], i):"end detected at {i}") break if len(running_hyps) == 0:"no hypothesis. Finish decoding.") break else: logger.debug(f"remained hypotheses: {len(running_hyps)}") if self.normalize_length: # Note (Jinchuan): -1 since hyp starts with <sos> and # initially has score of 0.0 nbest_hyps = sorted( ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x.score / (len(x.yseq) - 1), reverse=True ) else: nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True) # check the number of hypotheses reaching to eos if len(nbest_hyps) == 0: logger.warning( "there is no N-best results, perform recognition " "again with smaller minlenratio." ) return ( [] if minlenratio < 0.1 else self.forward(x, maxlenratio, max(0.0, minlenratio - 0.1)) ) # report the best result best = nbest_hyps[0] for k, v in best.scores.items(): f"{v:6.2f} * {self.weights[k]:3} = {v * self.weights[k]:6.2f} for {k}" )"total log probability: {best.score:.2f}")"normalized log probability: {best.score / len(best.yseq):.2f}")"total number of ended hypotheses: {len(nbest_hyps)}") if self.token_list is not None: "best hypo: " + "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in best.yseq[1:-1]]) + "\n" ) if best.yseq[1:-1].shape[0] == maxlen: logger.warning( "best hypo length: {} == max output length: {}".format( best.yseq[1:-1].shape[0], maxlen ) ) logger.warning( "decoding may be stopped by the max output length limitation, " + "please consider to increase the maxlenratio." ) return nbest_hyps
[docs] def post_process( self, i: int, maxlen: int, minlen: int, maxlenratio: float, running_hyps: List[Hypothesis], ended_hyps: List[Hypothesis], ) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Perform post-processing of beam search iterations. Args: i (int): The length of hypothesis tokens. maxlen (int): The maximum length of tokens in beam search. maxlenratio (int): The maximum length ratio in beam search. running_hyps (List[Hypothesis]): The running hypotheses in beam search. ended_hyps (List[Hypothesis]): The ended hypotheses in beam search. Returns: List[Hypothesis]: The new running hypotheses. """ logger.debug(f"the number of running hypotheses: {len(running_hyps)}") if self.token_list is not None: logger.debug( "best hypo: " + "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in running_hyps[0].yseq[1:]]) ) # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps if i == maxlen - 1:"adding <eos> in the last position in the loop") running_hyps = [ h._replace(yseq=self.append_token(h.yseq, self.eos)) for h in running_hyps ] # add ended hypotheses to a final list, and removed them from current hypotheses # (this will be a problem, number of hyps < beam) remained_hyps = [] for hyp in running_hyps: if hyp.yseq[-1] == self.eos: # e.g., Word LM needs to add final <eos> score for k, d in chain(self.full_scorers.items(), self.part_scorers.items()): s = d.final_score(hyp.states[k]) hyp.scores[k] += s hyp = hyp._replace(score=hyp.score + self.weights[k] * s) if i >= minlen: ended_hyps.append(hyp) else: remained_hyps.append(hyp) return remained_hyps