Source code for espnet2.train.preprocessor

import json
import logging
import random
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import librosa
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import soundfile
from typeguard import typechecked

from espnet2.layers.augmentation import DataAugmentation
from espnet2.text.build_tokenizer import build_tokenizer
from espnet2.text.cleaner import TextCleaner
from espnet2.text.hugging_face_token_id_converter import HuggingFaceTokenIDConverter
from espnet2.text.token_id_converter import TokenIDConverter
from espnet2.text.whisper_token_id_converter import OpenAIWhisperTokenIDConverter
from espnet2.text.whisper_tokenizer import OpenAIWhisperTokenizer

[docs]class AbsPreprocessor(ABC): def __init__(self, train: bool): self.train = train @abstractmethod def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def framing( x, frame_length: int = 512, frame_shift: int = 256, centered: bool = True, padded: bool = True, ): if x.size == 0: raise ValueError("Input array size is zero") if frame_length < 1: raise ValueError("frame_length must be a positive integer") if frame_length > x.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("frame_length is greater than input length") if 0 >= frame_shift: raise ValueError("frame_shift must be greater than 0") if centered: pad_shape = [(0, 0) for _ in range(x.ndim - 1)] + [ (frame_length // 2, frame_length // 2) ] x = np.pad(x, pad_shape, mode="constant", constant_values=0) if padded: # Pad to integer number of windowed segments # I.e make x.shape[-1] = frame_length + (nseg-1)*nstep, # with integer nseg nadd = (-(x.shape[-1] - frame_length) % frame_shift) % frame_length pad_shape = [(0, 0) for _ in range(x.ndim - 1)] + [(0, nadd)] x = np.pad(x, pad_shape, mode="constant", constant_values=0) # Created strided array of data segments if frame_length == 1 and frame_length == frame_shift: result = x[..., None] else: shape = x.shape[:-1] + ( (x.shape[-1] - frame_length) // frame_shift + 1, frame_length, ) strides = x.strides[:-1] + (frame_shift * x.strides[-1], x.strides[-1]) result = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, shape=shape, strides=strides) return result
[docs]def detect_non_silence( x: np.ndarray, threshold: float = 0.01, frame_length: int = 1024, frame_shift: int = 512, window: str = "boxcar", ) -> np.ndarray: """Power based voice activity detection. Args: x: (Channel, Time) >>> x = np.random.randn(1000) >>> detect = detect_non_silence(x) >>> assert x.shape == detect.shape >>> assert detect.dtype == np.bool """ if x.shape[-1] < frame_length: return np.full(x.shape, fill_value=True, dtype=np.bool) if x.dtype.kind == "i": x = x.astype(np.float64) # framed_w: (C, T, F) framed_w = framing( x, frame_length=frame_length, frame_shift=frame_shift, centered=False, padded=True, ) framed_w *= scipy.signal.get_window(window, frame_length).astype(framed_w.dtype) # power: (C, T) power = (framed_w**2).mean(axis=-1) # mean_power: (C, 1) mean_power = np.mean(power, axis=-1, keepdims=True) if np.all(mean_power == 0): return np.full(x.shape, fill_value=True, dtype=np.bool) # detect_frames: (C, T) detect_frames = power / mean_power > threshold # detects: (C, T, F) detects = np.broadcast_to( detect_frames[..., None], detect_frames.shape + (frame_shift,) ) # detects: (C, TF) detects = detects.reshape(*detect_frames.shape[:-1], -1) # detects: (C, TF) return np.pad( detects, [(0, 0)] * (x.ndim - 1) + [(0, x.shape[-1] - detects.shape[-1])], mode="edge", )
[docs]def any_allzero(signal): if isinstance(signal, (list, tuple)): return any([np.allclose(s, 0.0) for s in signal]) return np.allclose(signal, 0.0)
[docs]class CommonPreprocessor(AbsPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, use_lang_prompt: bool = False, use_nlp_prompt: bool = False, token_type: Optional[str] = None, token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, bpemodel: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Optional[str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, aux_task_names: Collection[str] = None, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech", text_name: str = "text", fs: int = 0, nonsplit_symbol: Iterable[str] = None, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, # only use for whisper whisper_language: Optional[str] = None, whisper_task: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(train) self.train = train self.speech_name = speech_name self.text_name = text_name self.speech_volume_normalize = speech_volume_normalize self.rir_apply_prob = rir_apply_prob self.noise_apply_prob = noise_apply_prob self.short_noise_thres = short_noise_thres self.aux_task_names = aux_task_names self.use_lang_prompt = use_lang_prompt self.use_nlp_prompt = use_nlp_prompt if token_type is not None: if token_list is None: raise ValueError("token_list is required if token_type is not None") self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner(text_cleaner) self.tokenizer = build_tokenizer( token_type=token_type, bpemodel=bpemodel, delimiter=delimiter, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, g2p_type=g2p_type, nonsplit_symbol=nonsplit_symbol, whisper_language=whisper_language, whisper_task=whisper_task, ) if token_type == "hugging_face": self.token_id_converter = HuggingFaceTokenIDConverter( model_name_or_path=bpemodel ) elif bpemodel not in ["whisper_en", "whisper_multilingual"]: self.token_id_converter = TokenIDConverter( token_list=token_list, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, ) else: self.token_id_converter = OpenAIWhisperTokenIDConverter( model_type=bpemodel, added_tokens_txt=non_linguistic_symbols, language=whisper_language or "en", task=whisper_task or "transcribe", ) else: self.text_cleaner = None self.tokenizer = None self.token_id_converter = None if train and rir_scp is not None: self.rirs = [] rir_scp = [rir_scp] if not isinstance(rir_scp, (list, tuple)) else rir_scp for scp in rir_scp: with open(scp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: sps = line.strip().split(None, 1) if len(sps) == 1: self.rirs.append(sps[0]) else: self.rirs.append(sps[1]) else: self.rirs = None if train and noise_scp is not None: self.noises = [] noise_scp = ( [noise_scp] if not isinstance(noise_scp, (list, tuple)) else noise_scp ) for scp in noise_scp: with open(scp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: sps = line.strip().split(None, 1) if len(sps) == 1: self.noises.append(sps[0]) else: self.noises.append(sps[1]) sps = noise_db_range.split("_") if len(sps) == 1: self.noise_db_low = self.noise_db_high = float(sps[0]) elif len(sps) == 2: self.noise_db_low, self.noise_db_high = float(sps[0]), float(sps[1]) else: raise ValueError( "Format error: '{noise_db_range}' e.g. -3_4 -> [-3db,4db]" ) else: self.noises = None # Check DataAugmentation docstring for more information of `data_aug_effects` self.fs = fs if data_aug_effects is not None: assert self.fs > 0, self.fs self.data_aug = DataAugmentation(data_aug_effects, apply_n=data_aug_num) else: self.data_aug = None self.data_aug_prob = data_aug_prob def _convolve_rir(self, speech, power, rirs, tgt_fs=None, single_channel=False): rir_path = np.random.choice(rirs) rir = None if rir_path is not None: rir, fs =, dtype=np.float64, always_2d=True) if single_channel: num_ch = rir.shape[1] chs = [np.random.randint(num_ch)] rir = rir[:, chs] # rir: (Nmic, Time) rir = rir.T if tgt_fs and fs != tgt_fs: logging.warning( f"Resampling RIR to match the sampling rate ({fs} -> {tgt_fs} Hz)" ) rir = librosa.resample( rir, orig_sr=fs, target_sr=tgt_fs, res_type="kaiser_fast" ) # speech: (Nmic, Time) speech = speech[:1] # Note that this operation doesn't change the signal length speech = scipy.signal.convolve(speech, rir, mode="full")[ :, : speech.shape[1] ] # Reverse mean power to the original power power2 = (speech[detect_non_silence(speech)] ** 2).mean() speech = np.sqrt(power / max(power2, 1e-10)) * speech return speech, rir def _add_noise( self, speech, power, noises, noise_db_low, noise_db_high, tgt_fs=None, single_channel=False, ): nsamples = speech.shape[1] noise_path = np.random.choice(noises) noise = None if noise_path is not None: noise_db = np.random.uniform(noise_db_low, noise_db_high) with soundfile.SoundFile(noise_path) as f: fs = f.samplerate if tgt_fs and fs != tgt_fs: nsamples_ = int(nsamples / tgt_fs * fs) + 1 else: nsamples_ = nsamples if f.frames == nsamples_: noise =, always_2d=True) elif f.frames < nsamples_: if f.frames / nsamples_ < self.short_noise_thres: logging.warning( f"Noise ({f.frames}) is much shorter than " f"speech ({nsamples_}) in dynamic mixing" ) offset = np.random.randint(0, nsamples_ - f.frames) # noise: (Time, Nmic) noise =, always_2d=True) # Repeat noise noise = np.pad( noise, [(offset, nsamples_ - f.frames - offset), (0, 0)], mode="wrap", ) else: offset = np.random.randint(0, f.frames - nsamples_) # noise: (Time, Nmic) noise =, dtype=np.float64, always_2d=True) if len(noise) != nsamples_: raise RuntimeError(f"Something wrong: {noise_path}") if single_channel: num_ch = noise.shape[1] chs = [np.random.randint(num_ch)] noise = noise[:, chs] # noise: (Nmic, Time) noise = noise.T if tgt_fs and fs != tgt_fs: logging.warning( f"Resampling noise to match the sampling rate ({fs} -> {tgt_fs} Hz)" ) noise = librosa.resample( noise, orig_sr=fs, target_sr=tgt_fs, res_type="kaiser_fast" ) if noise.shape[1] < nsamples: noise = np.pad( noise, [(0, 0), (0, nsamples - noise.shape[1])], mode="wrap" ) else: noise = noise[:, :nsamples] noise_power = (noise**2).mean() scale = ( 10 ** (-noise_db / 20) * np.sqrt(power) / np.sqrt(max(noise_power, 1e-10)) ) speech = speech + scale * noise return speech, noise @typechecked def _speech_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]]: if self.speech_name in data: if self.train and (self.rirs is not None or self.noises is not None): speech = data[self.speech_name] # speech: (Nmic, Time) if speech.ndim == 1: speech = speech[None, :] else: speech = speech.T # Calc power on non silence region power = (speech[detect_non_silence(speech)] ** 2).mean() # 1. Convolve RIR if self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob >= np.random.random(): speech, _ = self._convolve_rir(speech, power, self.rirs) # 2. Add Noise if ( self.noises is not None and self.noise_apply_prob >= np.random.random() ): speech, _ = self._add_noise( speech, power, self.noises, self.noise_db_low, self.noise_db_high, ) speech = speech.T ma = np.max(np.abs(speech)) if ma > 1.0: speech /= ma data[self.speech_name] = speech if self.train and self.data_aug: if self.data_aug_prob > 0 and self.data_aug_prob >= np.random.random(): data[self.speech_name] = self.data_aug( data[self.speech_name], self.fs ) if self.speech_volume_normalize is not None: speech = data[self.speech_name] ma = np.max(np.abs(speech)) data[self.speech_name] = speech * self.speech_volume_normalize / ma return data def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if self.text_name in data and self.tokenizer is not None: text = data[self.text_name] if isinstance(text, np.ndarray): return data text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) if len(text_ints) > 500: logging.warning( "The length of the text output exceeds 500, " "which may cause OOM on the GPU." "Please ensure that the data processing is correct and verify it." ) if "prompt" in data: actual_token = ( self.token_id_converter.tokenizer.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( text_ints ) ) if self.use_lang_prompt: if data["prompt"] == "<|nospeech|>": actual_token = [data["prompt"]] else: actual_token = data["prompt"].split() + actual_token[2:] elif self.use_nlp_prompt: prompt_tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(data["prompt"]) actual_token = [actual_token[0]] + prompt_tokens + actual_token[2:] else: if len(data["prompt"].split()) > 1: actual_token = ( [actual_token[0]] + data["prompt"].split() + actual_token[2:] ) else: actual_token[1] = data["prompt"] text_ints = ( self.token_id_converter.tokenizer.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( actual_token ) ) data[self.text_name] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) if "prompt" in data: whisper_tokenizer = self.token_id_converter.tokenizer.tokenizer if len(data["prompt"].split()) > 1: data["prompt"] = np.array( whisper_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(data["prompt"].split()), dtype=np.int64, ) else: data["prompt"] = np.array( [whisper_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(data["prompt"])], dtype=np.int64, ) if self.aux_task_names is not None and self.tokenizer is not None: for name in self.aux_task_names: if name in data: text = data[name] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data[name] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = self._speech_process(data) data = self._text_process(data) return data
[docs]class SLUPreprocessor(CommonPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, token_type: Optional[str] = None, token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, transcript_token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, bpemodel: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Optional[str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech", text_name: str = "text", fs: int = 0, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, ): super().__init__( train=train, token_type=token_type, token_list=token_list, bpemodel=bpemodel, text_cleaner=text_cleaner, g2p_type=g2p_type, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, delimiter=delimiter, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, speech_name=speech_name, text_name=text_name, fs=fs, data_aug_effects=data_aug_effects, data_aug_num=data_aug_num, data_aug_prob=data_aug_prob, ) if transcript_token_list is not None: print("using transcript") self.transcript_tokenizer = build_tokenizer( token_type="word", bpemodel=bpemodel, delimiter=delimiter, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, g2p_type=g2p_type, ) self.transcript_token_id_converter = TokenIDConverter( token_list=transcript_token_list, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, ) else: self.transcript_tokenizer = None self.transcript_token_id_converter = None def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if self.text_name in data and self.tokenizer is not None: text = data[self.text_name] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data[self.text_name] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) if "transcript" in data and self.tokenizer is not None: text = data["transcript"] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.transcript_tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.transcript_token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data["transcript"] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) return data
[docs]class CommonPreprocessor_multi(CommonPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, use_lang_prompt: bool = False, use_nlp_prompt: bool = False, token_type: Optional[str] = None, token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, bpemodel: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Optional[str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, aux_task_names: Collection[str] = None, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech", text_name: List[str] = ["text"], fs: int = 0, speaker_change_symbol: Iterable[str] = None, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, # only use for whisper whisper_language: Optional[str] = None, whisper_task: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__( train=train, token_type=token_type, token_list=token_list, bpemodel=bpemodel, text_cleaner=text_cleaner, g2p_type=g2p_type, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, delimiter=delimiter, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, aux_task_names=aux_task_names, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, speech_name=speech_name, fs=fs, nonsplit_symbol=speaker_change_symbol, data_aug_effects=data_aug_effects, data_aug_num=data_aug_num, data_aug_prob=data_aug_prob, whisper_language=whisper_language, whisper_task=whisper_task, ) if isinstance(text_name, str): self.text_name = [text_name] else: self.text_name = text_name self.speaker_change_symbol = speaker_change_symbol if speaker_change_symbol is not None: assert ( len(self.text_name) == 1 ), "SOT model with speaker_change_symbol only support single text input." if bpemodel in ["whisper_en", "whisper_multilingual"]: assert ( len(speaker_change_symbol) == 1 ), "Currently, Whisper SOT only supports one SC token" speaker_change_symbol = speaker_change_symbol[0] self.tokenizer = OpenAIWhisperTokenizer( model_type=bpemodel, language=whisper_language or "en", task=whisper_task or "transcribe", sot=True, speaker_change_symbol=speaker_change_symbol, ) self.token_id_converter = OpenAIWhisperTokenIDConverter( model_type=bpemodel, language=whisper_language or "en", task=whisper_task or "transcribe", sot=True, speaker_change_symbol=speaker_change_symbol, ) def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: for text_n in self.text_name: if text_n in data and self.tokenizer is not None: text = data[text_n] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data[text_n] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) if self.aux_task_names is not None and self.tokenizer is not None: for name in self.aux_task_names: if name in data: text = data[name] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data[name] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = self._speech_process(data) data = self._text_process(data) return data
[docs]class MutliTokenizerCommonPreprocessor(CommonPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, token_type: List[str] = [None], token_list: List[Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]]] = [None], bpemodel: List[Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]]] = [None], text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Union[List[str], str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech", text_name: List[str] = ["text"], tokenizer_encode_conf: List[Dict] = [dict(), dict()], fs: int = 0, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, # only use for whisper whisper_language: List[str] = None, whisper_task: Optional[str] = None, ): # TODO(jiatong): sync with Kamo and Jing on interface for preprocessor super().__init__( train=train, token_type=token_type[0], token_list=token_list[0], bpemodel=bpemodel[0], text_cleaner=text_cleaner, g2p_type=( g2p_type[0] if type(g2p_type) is not str and g2p_type is not None else g2p_type ), unk_symbol=unk_symbol, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, delimiter=delimiter, speech_name=speech_name, text_name=text_name[0], rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, fs=fs, data_aug_effects=data_aug_effects, data_aug_num=data_aug_num, data_aug_prob=data_aug_prob, ) assert ( len(token_type) == len(token_list) == len(bpemodel) == len(text_name) ), "token_type, token_list, bpemodel, or processing text_name mismatched" self.num_tokenizer = len(token_type) self.tokenizer = [] self.token_id_converter = [] if type(g2p_type) is str: # NOTE(jiatong): str will repeat for every tokenizer g2p_type = [g2p_type] * self.num_tokenizer for i in range(self.num_tokenizer): if token_type[i] is not None: if token_list[i] is None: raise ValueError("token_list is required if token_type is not None") self.tokenizer.append( build_tokenizer( token_type=token_type[i], bpemodel=bpemodel[i], delimiter=delimiter, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, g2p_type=g2p_type[i] if g2p_type is not None else g2p_type, encode_kwargs=( tokenizer_encode_conf[i] if i < len(tokenizer_encode_conf) else None ), whisper_language=( whisper_language[i] if "whisper" in token_type[i] else None ), whisper_task=whisper_task, ) ) if "whisper" not in token_type[i]: self.token_id_converter.append( TokenIDConverter( token_list=token_list[i], unk_symbol=unk_symbol, ) ) else: self.token_id_converter.append( OpenAIWhisperTokenIDConverter( model_type=bpemodel[i], language=whisper_language[i] or "en", task=whisper_task or "translate", ) ) else: self.tokenizer.append(None) self.token_id_converter.append(None) self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner(text_cleaner) self.text_name = text_name # override the text_name from CommonPreprocessor def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: for i in range(self.num_tokenizer): text_name = self.text_name[i] if text_name in data and self.tokenizer[i] is not None: text = data[text_name] text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer[i].text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter[i].tokens2ids(tokens) data[text_name] = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) return data
[docs]class DynamicMixingPreprocessor(AbsPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, source_scp: Optional[str] = None, ref_num: int = 2, dynamic_mixing_gain_db: float = 0.0, speech_name: str = "speech_mix", speech_ref_name_prefix: str = "speech_ref", mixture_source_name: Optional[str] = None, utt2spk: Optional[str] = None, categories: Optional[List] = None, ): super().__init__(train) self.source_scp = source_scp self.ref_num = ref_num self.dynamic_mixing_gain_db = dynamic_mixing_gain_db self.speech_name = speech_name self.speech_ref_name_prefix = speech_ref_name_prefix # mixture_source_name: the key to select source utterances from dataloader if mixture_source_name is None: self.mixture_source_name = f"{speech_ref_name_prefix}1" else: self.mixture_source_name = mixture_source_name self.sources = {} assert ( source_scp is not None ), f"Please pass `source_scp` to {type(self).__name__}" with open(source_scp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: sps = line.strip().split(None, 1) assert len(sps) == 2 self.sources[sps[0]] = sps[1] self.utt2spk = {} if utt2spk is None: # if utt2spk is not provided, create a dummy utt2spk with uid. for key in self.sources.keys(): self.utt2spk[key] = key else: with open(utt2spk, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: sps = line.strip().split(None, 1) assert len(sps) == 2 self.utt2spk[sps[0]] = sps[1] for key in self.sources.keys(): assert key in self.utt2spk self.source_keys = list(self.sources.keys()) # Map each category into a unique integer self.categories = {} if categories: count = 0 for c in categories: if c not in self.categories: self.categories[c] = count count += 1 def _pick_source_utterances_(self, uid): # return (ref_num - 1) uid of reference sources. source_keys = [uid] spk_ids = [self.utt2spk[uid]] retry_cnt = 0 while len(source_keys) < self.ref_num: picked = random.choice(self.source_keys) spk_id = self.utt2spk[picked] # make one utterance or one speaker only appears once in mixing. if (picked not in source_keys) and (spk_id not in spk_ids): source_keys.append(picked) else: retry_cnt += 1 if retry_cnt > 10: source_keys.append(picked) logging.warning( "Can not find speech source from different speaker " f"for {retry_cnt} times." "There may be problems with training data. " "Please check the utt2spk file." ) return source_keys[1:] def _read_source_(self, key, speech_length): source, _ = self.sources[key], dtype=np.float32, always_2d=False, ) if speech_length > source.shape[0]: pad = speech_length - source.shape[0] source = np.pad(source, (0, pad), "reflect") else: source = source[0:speech_length] assert speech_length == source.shape[0] return source def _mix_speech_(self, uid, data): # pick sources source_keys = self._pick_source_utterances_(uid) # load audios speech_length = data[self.mixture_source_name].shape[0] ref_audios = [self._read_source_(key, speech_length) for key in source_keys] ref_audios = [data[self.mixture_source_name]] + ref_audios # apply random gain to speech sources gain_in_db = [ random.uniform(-self.dynamic_mixing_gain_db, self.dynamic_mixing_gain_db) for i in range(len(ref_audios)) ] gain = [10 ** (g_db / 20.0) for g_db in gain_in_db] ref_audios = [ref * g for ref, g in zip(ref_audios, gain)] speech_mix = np.sum(np.array(ref_audios), axis=0) for i, ref in enumerate(ref_audios): data[f"{self.speech_ref_name_prefix}{i+1}"] = ref data[self.speech_name] = speech_mix return data def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: # TODO(Chenda): need to test for multi-channel data. assert ( len(data[self.mixture_source_name].shape) == 1 ), "Multi-channel input has not been tested" # Add the category information (an integer) to `data` if not self.categories and "category" in data: raise ValueError( "categories must be set in the config file when utt2category files " "exist in the data directory (e.g., dump/raw/*/utt2category)" ) if self.categories and "category" in data: category = data.pop("category") assert category in self.categories, category data["utt2category"] = np.array([self.categories[category]]) if self.train: data = self._mix_speech_(uid, data) return data
[docs]class EnhPreprocessor(CommonPreprocessor): """Preprocessor for Speech Enhancement (Enh) task.""" def __init__( self, train: bool, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech_mix", speech_ref_name_prefix: str = "speech_ref", noise_ref_name_prefix: str = "noise_ref", dereverb_ref_name_prefix: str = "dereverb_ref", use_reverberant_ref: bool = False, num_spk: int = 1, num_noise_type: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 8000, force_single_channel: bool = False, channel_reordering: bool = False, categories: Optional[List] = None, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, speech_segment: Optional[int] = None, avoid_allzero_segment: bool = True, flexible_numspk: bool = False, ): super().__init__( train=train, token_type=None, token_list=None, bpemodel=None, text_cleaner=None, g2p_type=None, unk_symbol="<unk>", space_symbol="<space>", non_linguistic_symbols=None, delimiter=None, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, speech_name=speech_name, fs=sample_rate, data_aug_effects=data_aug_effects, data_aug_num=data_aug_num, data_aug_prob=data_aug_prob, ) self.speech_ref_name_prefix = speech_ref_name_prefix self.noise_ref_name_prefix = noise_ref_name_prefix self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix = dereverb_ref_name_prefix self.use_reverberant_ref = use_reverberant_ref self.num_spk = num_spk self.num_noise_type = num_noise_type self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.rir_scp = rir_scp self.noise_scp = noise_scp self.noise_db_range = noise_db_range # Whether to always convert the signals to single-channel self.force_single_channel = force_single_channel # If True, randomly reorder the channels of the multi-channel signals self.channel_reordering = channel_reordering # If specified, the audios will be chomped to the specified length self.speech_segment = speech_segment # Only used when `speech_segment` is specified. # If True, make sure all chomped segments are not all-zero. self.avoid_allzero_segment = avoid_allzero_segment # If True, load variable numbers of speakers in each sample, and # self.num_spk is regarded as the maximum possible number of speakers self.flexible_numspk = flexible_numspk # Map each category into a unique integer self.categories = {} if categories: count = 0 for c in categories: if c not in self.categories: self.categories[c] = count count += 1 if self.speech_volume_normalize is not None: sps = speech_volume_normalize.split("_") if len(sps) == 1: self.volume_low, self.volume_high = float(sps[0]) elif len(sps) == 2: self.volume_low, self.volume_high = float(sps[0]), float(sps[1]) else: raise ValueError( "Format error for --speech_volume_normalize: " f"'{speech_volume_normalize}'" ) if (self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob > 0) or ( self.noises is not None and self.noise_apply_prob > 0 ): logging.warning( "Note: Please ensure the sampling rates of all data, including audios " f"and RIRs, are all equal to {self.sample_rate} Hz when applying " "dynamic mixing." ) def __basic_str__(self): msg = f", num_spk={self.num_spk}" for key in ( "force_single_channel", "channel_reordering", "speech_volume_normalize", ): if getattr(self, key): msg += f", {key}={getattr(self, key)}" if self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob > 0: msg += f", sample_rate={self.sample_rate}" msg += f", rir_scp={self.rir_scp}, rir_apply_prob={self.rir_apply_prob}" if self.use_reverberant_ref: msg += f", use_reverberant_ref={self.use_reverberant_ref}" if self.noises is not None and self.noise_apply_prob > 0: msg += f", noise_scp={self.noise_scp}" msg += f", noise_apply_prob={self.noise_apply_prob}" msg += f", noise_db_range={self.noise_db_range}" if self.data_aug and self.data_aug_prob > 0: msg += f", data_aug={self.data_aug}, data_aug_prob={self.data_aug_prob}" if self.speech_segment: msg += f", speech_segment={self.speech_segment}" msg += f", avoid_allzero_segment={self.avoid_allzero_segment}" if self.flexible_numspk: msg += f", flexible_numspk={self.flexible_numspk}" if self.categories: if len(self.categories) <= 10: msg += f", categories={self.categories}" else: msg += f", num_category={len(self.categories)}" return msg def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ msg = f"{name}(train={self.train}" msg += self.__basic_str__() return msg + ")" def _ensure_2d(self, signal): if isinstance(signal, tuple): return tuple(self._ensure_2d(sig) for sig in signal) elif isinstance(signal, list): return [self._ensure_2d(sig) for sig in signal] else: # (Nmic, Time) return signal[None, :] if signal.ndim == 1 else signal.T def _get_early_signal(self, speech, rir, power): predelay = 50 # milliseconds dt = np.argmax(rir, axis=1).min() et = dt + (predelay * self.sample_rate) // 1000 rir_early = rir[:, :et] speech2 = scipy.signal.convolve(speech, rir_early, mode="full")[ :, : speech.shape[1] ] # Reverse mean power to the original power power2 = (speech2[detect_non_silence(speech2)] ** 2).mean() speech2 = np.sqrt(power / max(power2, 1e-10)) * speech2 return speech2 def _apply_to_all_signals(self, data_dict, func, num_spk): data_dict[self.speech_name] = func(data_dict[self.speech_name]) for n in range(self.num_noise_type): noise_name = self.noise_ref_name_prefix + str(n + 1) if noise_name in data_dict: data_dict[noise_name] = func(data_dict[noise_name]) for spk in range(num_spk): speech_ref_name = self.speech_ref_name_prefix + str(spk + 1) if self.train or speech_ref_name in data_dict: data_dict[speech_ref_name] = func(data_dict[speech_ref_name]) dereverb_ref_name = self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + str(spk + 1) if dereverb_ref_name in data_dict: data_dict[dereverb_ref_name] = func(data_dict[dereverb_ref_name]) def _random_crop_range( self, data_dict, num_spk, tgt_length, uid=None, max_trials=10 ): # Randomly crop the signals to the length `tgt_length` assert tgt_length > 0, tgt_length speech_refs = [ data_dict[self.speech_ref_name_prefix + str(spk + 1)] for spk in range(num_spk) ] length = speech_refs[0].shape[0] if length <= tgt_length: if length < tgt_length: logging.warning( f"The sample ({uid}) is not cropped due to its short length " f"({length} < {tgt_length})." ) return 0, length start = np.random.randint(0, length - tgt_length) count = 1 if self.avoid_allzero_segment: # try to find a segment region that ensures all references are non-allzero while any_allzero([sf[start : start + tgt_length] for sf in speech_refs]): count += 1 if count > max_trials: logging.warning( f"Can't find non-allzero segments for all references in {uid}." ) break if start > 0: start = np.random.randint(0, start) else: break return start, start + tgt_length @typechecked def _speech_process( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]]: if self.speech_name not in data: return data num_spk = self.num_spk # Add the category information (an integer) to `data` if not self.categories and "category" in data: raise ValueError( "categories must be set in the config file when utt2category files " "exist in the data directory (e.g., dump/raw/*/utt2category)" ) # Add the sampling rate information (an integer) to `data` if "fs" in data: fs = int(data.pop("fs")) data["utt2fs"] = np.array([fs]) else: fs = self.sample_rate sref_name = self.speech_ref_name_prefix + "1" if self.flexible_numspk and sref_name in data: # The number of speaker varies in each sample. # Different speaker signals are stacked in the first dimension. dref_name = self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + "1" num_spk = len(data[sref_name]) for i in range(2, self.num_spk + 1): data.pop(self.speech_ref_name_prefix + str(i), None) data.pop(self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + str(i), None) # Divide the stacked signals into single speaker signals for consistency for i in range(num_spk - 1, -1, -1): idx = str(i + 1) # make sure no np.nan paddings are in the data assert not np.isnan(np.sum(data[sref_name][i])), uid data[self.speech_ref_name_prefix + idx] = data[sref_name][i] if dref_name in data: # make sure no np.nan paddings are in the data assert not np.isnan(np.sum(data[dref_name][i])), uid data[self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + idx] = data[dref_name][i] if self.train: if self.speech_segment is not None: speech_segment = self.speech_segment // self.sample_rate * fs start, end = self._random_crop_range( data, num_spk, speech_segment, uid=uid ) self._apply_to_all_signals(data, lambda x: x[start:end], num_spk) # clean speech signal (Nmic, Time) speech_ref = [ self._ensure_2d(data[self.speech_ref_name_prefix + str(i + 1)]) for i in range(num_spk) ] # dereverberated (noisy) signal (Nmic, Time) if self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + "1" in data: dereverb_speech_ref = [ self._ensure_2d(data[self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + str(i + 1)]) for i in range(num_spk) if self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + str(i + 1) in data ] assert len(dereverb_speech_ref) in (1, num_spk), len( dereverb_speech_ref ) else: dereverb_speech_ref = None # Calc power on non silence region power_ref = [ (sref[detect_non_silence(sref)] ** 2).mean() for sref in speech_ref ] speech_mix = self._ensure_2d(data[self.speech_name]) # 1. Convolve RIR if self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob >= np.random.random(): speech_ref, rir_ref = zip( *[ self._convolve_rir( sp, power, self.rirs, tgt_fs=fs, single_channel=self.force_single_channel, ) for sp, power in zip(speech_ref, power_ref) ] ) if self.force_single_channel: speech_ref = list(map(lambda x: x[:1], speech_ref)) rir_ref = list(map(lambda x: x[:1], rir_ref)) if self.use_reverberant_ref: for spk in range(num_spk): suffix = str(spk + 1) speech_ref_name = self.speech_ref_name_prefix + suffix # (Time, Nmic) data[speech_ref_name] = speech_ref[spk].T if dereverb_speech_ref is not None: if spk == 0 or len(dereverb_speech_ref) > 1: dereverb_name = self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + suffix data[dereverb_name] = self._get_early_signal( speech_ref[spk], rir_ref[spk], power_ref[spk] ).T else: for spk in range(num_spk): suffix = str(spk + 1) speech_ref_name = self.speech_ref_name_prefix + suffix # clean speech with early reflections (Time, Nmic) data[speech_ref_name] = self._get_early_signal( speech_ref[spk], rir_ref[spk], power_ref[spk] ).T if dereverb_speech_ref is not None: if spk == 0 or len(dereverb_speech_ref) > 1: dereverb_name = self.dereverb_ref_name_prefix + suffix data[dereverb_name] = data[speech_ref_name] if self.noise_ref_name_prefix + "1" in data: noise = data[self.noise_ref_name_prefix + "1"] speech_mix = sum(speech_ref) + noise else: speech_mix = sum(speech_ref) # Add category information for dynamic mixing # "_reverb" means dereverberation is required # "_both" means both reverberant and dereverberated signals are required if "category" in data: if self.use_reverberant_ref: if dereverb_speech_ref is None: if data["category"].endswith("_reverb"): data["category"] = data["category"][:-7] if data["category"].endswith("_both"): data["category"] = data["category"][:-5] else: if not data["category"].endswith("_both"): data["category"] = data["category"] + "_both" elif not data["category"].endswith("_reverb"): data["category"] = data["category"] + "_reverb" # 2. Add Noise if self.noises is not None and self.noise_apply_prob >= np.random.random(): speech_mix = sum(speech_ref) if self.force_single_channel and speech_mix.shape[0] > 1: speech_mix = speech_mix[:1] power_mix = (speech_mix[detect_non_silence(speech_mix)] ** 2).mean() speech_mix, noise = self._add_noise( speech_mix, power_mix, self.noises, self.noise_db_low, self.noise_db_high, tgt_fs=fs, single_channel=self.force_single_channel, ) name = self.noise_ref_name_prefix + "1" if name in data: data[name] = noise.T for n in range(1, self.num_noise_type): name = self.noise_ref_name_prefix + str(n + 1) data.pop(name, None) if self.data_aug: if self.data_aug_prob > 0 and self.data_aug_prob >= np.random.random(): # Currently, we only apply data augmentation to the mixture. # So, some effects should not be used for Enh, such as pitch_shift, # speed_perturb, time_stretch, polarity_inverse, reverse, etc. speech_mix = self.data_aug( speech_mix.T if speech_mix.shape[0] > 1 else speech_mix[0], self.sample_rate, ) data[self.speech_name] = speech_mix.T ma = np.max(np.abs(data[self.speech_name])) if ma > 1.0: self._apply_to_all_signals(data, lambda x: x / ma, num_spk) self._apply_to_all_signals(data, lambda x: x.squeeze(), num_spk) if self.force_single_channel: self._apply_to_all_signals( data, lambda x: x if x.ndim == 1 else x[:, 0], num_spk ) if self.speech_volume_normalize is not None: if self.train: volume_scale = np.random.uniform(self.volume_low, self.volume_high) else: # use a fixed scale to make it deterministic volume_scale = self.volume_low ma = np.max(np.abs(data[self.speech_name])) self._apply_to_all_signals(data, lambda x: x * volume_scale / ma, num_spk) if self.categories and "category" in data: category = data.pop("category") if not re.fullmatch(r"\d+ch.*", category): speech_mix = data[self.speech_name] nch = 1 if speech_mix.ndim == 1 else speech_mix.shape[-1] category = f"{nch}ch_" + category assert category in self.categories, category data["utt2category"] = np.array([self.categories[category]]) speech_mix = data[self.speech_name] # Reorder channels of the multi-channel signals if speech_mix.ndim > 1 and self.channel_reordering and self.train: num_ch = speech_mix.shape[-1] # chs = np.random.choice(range(num_ch), size=num_ch, replace=False).tolist() chs = np.random.permutation(num_ch).tolist() data[self.speech_name] = speech_mix[..., chs] for i in range(num_spk): k = self.speech_ref_name_prefix + str(i + 1) if self.train: assert k in data, (data.keys(), k) if k in data and data[k].ndim > 1: assert data[k].shape == speech_mix.shape data[k] = data[k][..., chs] return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = self._speech_process(uid, data) data = self._text_process(data) return data
[docs]class SVSPreprocessor(AbsPreprocessor): """Preprocessor for Sing Voice Sythesis (SVS) task.""" def __init__( self, train: bool, token_type: Optional[str] = None, token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, bpemodel: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Optional[str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, singing_volume_normalize: float = None, singing_name: str = "singing", text_name: str = "text", label_name: str = "label", midi_name: str = "score", fs: np.int32 = 0, hop_length: np.int32 = 256, phn_seg: dict = { 1: [1], 2: [0.25, 1], 3: [0.1, 0.5, 1], 4: [0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1], }, ): super().__init__(train) self.train = train self.singing_name = singing_name self.text_name = text_name self.label_name = label_name self.midi_name = midi_name self.fs = fs self.hop_length = hop_length self.singing_volume_normalize = singing_volume_normalize self.phn_seg = phn_seg self.time_shift = hop_length / fs if token_type is not None: if token_list is None: raise ValueError("token_list is required if token_type is not None") self.text_cleaner = TextCleaner(text_cleaner) self.tokenizer = build_tokenizer( token_type=token_type, bpemodel=bpemodel, delimiter=delimiter, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, g2p_type=g2p_type, ) self.token_id_converter = TokenIDConverter( token_list=token_list, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, ) else: self.text_cleaner = None self.tokenizer = None self.token_id_converter = None @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray, tuple]], ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if self.singing_name in data: if self.singing_volume_normalize is not None: singing = data[self.singing_name] ma = np.max(np.abs(singing)) data[self.singing_name] = singing * self.singing_volume_normalize / ma if self.midi_name in data and self.label_name in data: # Load label info lab_timeseq, text = data[self.label_name] lab_len = len(text) text = " ".join(text) text = self.text_cleaner(text) text = text.split(" ") text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(text) data.pop(self.label_name) label = np.zeros((lab_len)) midi = np.zeros((lab_len)) duration_phn = np.zeros((lab_len)) duration_ruled_phn = np.zeros((lab_len)) duration_syb = np.zeros((lab_len)) slur = np.zeros((lab_len)) # Load score info tempo, syb_info = data[self.midi_name] phn_cnt = [] # Calculate features index_lab = 0 for st, et, syb, note, phns in syb_info: dur = et - st _duration_syb = int(dur / self.time_shift + 0.5) phone = phns.split("_") phn_num = len(phone) phn_cnt.append(phn_num) pre_seg = 0 for k in range(phn_num): _duration_ruled_phn = int( (self.phn_seg[phn_num][k] - pre_seg) * dur / self.time_shift + 0.5 ) pre_seg = self.phn_seg[phn_num][k] # timeseq from lab assert text[index_lab] == phone[k] _duration_phn = int( (lab_timeseq[index_lab][1] - lab_timeseq[index_lab][0]) / self.time_shift + 0.5 ) # phone level feature label[index_lab] = text_ints[index_lab] midi[index_lab] = note duration_phn[index_lab] = _duration_phn duration_ruled_phn[index_lab] = _duration_ruled_phn duration_syb[index_lab] = _duration_syb if syb == "—": slur[index_lab] = 1 else: slur[index_lab] = 0 index_lab += 1 assert index_lab == lab_len data.pop(self.midi_name) phn_cnt = np.array(phn_cnt) label = label.astype(np.int64) midi = midi.astype(np.int64) duration_phn = duration_phn.astype(np.int64) duration_syb = duration_syb.astype(np.int64) duration_ruled_phn = duration_ruled_phn.astype(np.int64) phn_cnt = phn_cnt.astype(np.int64) slur = slur.astype(np.int64) data["label"] = label data["midi"] = midi data["duration_phn"] = duration_phn data["duration_ruled_phn"] = duration_ruled_phn data["duration_syb"] = duration_syb data["phn_cnt"] = phn_cnt data["slur"] = slur # TODO(Yuning): Add score from midi if self.text_name in data and self.tokenizer is not None: # FIX ME (Yuning): wrong transfer happen in pyopenjtalk text = data[self.text_name] if not isinstance(text, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(text, str): text = " ".join(text) text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) _text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) data[self.text_name] = np.array(_text_ints, dtype=np.int64) return data
[docs]class TSEPreprocessor(EnhPreprocessor): """Preprocessor for Target Speaker Extraction.""" def __init__( self, train: bool, train_spk2enroll: Optional[str] = None, enroll_segment: int = None, load_spk_embedding: bool = False, load_all_speakers: bool = False, # inherited from EnhPreprocessor rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech_mix", speech_ref_name_prefix: str = "speech_ref", noise_ref_name_prefix: str = "noise_ref", dereverb_ref_name_prefix: str = "dereverb_ref", use_reverberant_ref: bool = False, num_spk: int = 1, num_noise_type: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 8000, force_single_channel: bool = False, channel_reordering: bool = False, categories: Optional[List] = None, data_aug_effects: List = None, data_aug_num: List[int] = [1, 1], data_aug_prob: float = 0.0, speech_segment: Optional[int] = None, avoid_allzero_segment: bool = True, flexible_numspk: bool = False, ): super().__init__( train, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, speech_name=speech_name, speech_ref_name_prefix=speech_ref_name_prefix, noise_ref_name_prefix=noise_ref_name_prefix, dereverb_ref_name_prefix=dereverb_ref_name_prefix, use_reverberant_ref=use_reverberant_ref, num_spk=num_spk, num_noise_type=num_noise_type, sample_rate=sample_rate, force_single_channel=force_single_channel, channel_reordering=channel_reordering, categories=categories, data_aug_effects=data_aug_effects, data_aug_num=data_aug_num, data_aug_prob=data_aug_prob, speech_segment=speech_segment, avoid_allzero_segment=avoid_allzero_segment, flexible_numspk=flexible_numspk, ) # If specified, the enrollment will be chomped to the specified length self.enroll_segment = enroll_segment # If True, the speaker embedding will be loaded instead of enrollment audios self.load_spk_embedding = load_spk_embedding # If False, only one of the speakers in each mixture sample will be loaded self.load_all_speakers = load_all_speakers if train and rir_scp is not None and rir_apply_prob > 0: logging.warning( "Be cautious when applying RIRs on the fly in the TSE task! " "Please ensure `speech_ref` sums up to `speech_mix` for each sample." ) if train: if train_spk2enroll is None:"Using fixed enrollment for each sample") self.train_spk2enroll = None else:"Using dynamically sampled enrollment for each sample") with open(train_spk2enroll, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: # {spkID: [(uid1, path1), (uid2, path2), ...]} self.train_spk2enroll = json.load(f) else: self.train_spk2enroll = None def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ msg = f"{name}(train={self.train}" if self.train_spk2enroll: msg += f", len(train_spk2enroll)={len(self.train_spk2enroll)}" for key in ("enroll_segment", "load_spk_embedding", "load_all_speakers"): if getattr(self, key): msg += f", {key}={getattr(self, key)}" msg += self.__basic_str__() return msg + ")" def _read_audio_segment(self, path, seg_len=None): with soundfile.SoundFile(path) as f: if seg_len is None or f.frames == seg_len: audio =, always_2d=True) elif f.frames < seg_len: offset = np.random.randint(0, seg_len - f.frames) # audio: (Time, Nmic) audio =, always_2d=True) # Repeat audio audio = np.pad( audio, [(offset, seg_len - f.frames - offset), (0, 0)], mode="wrap", ) else: offset = np.random.randint(0, f.frames - seg_len) # audio: (Time, Nmic) audio =, dtype=np.float32, always_2d=True) if len(audio) != seg_len: raise RuntimeError(f"Something wrong: {path}") return audio[:, 0] @typechecked def _speech_process( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]]: ref_names = [k for k in data.keys() if re.match(r"speech_ref\d+", k)] num_spk = len(ref_names) aux_names = [k for k in data.keys() if re.match(r"enroll_ref\d+", k)] if self.flexible_numspk: # The number of speaker varies in each sample. # Different speaker signals are stacked in the first dimension. enroll_name = "enroll_ref1" for name in aux_names: if name != enroll_name: data.pop(name) aux_names = [f"enroll_ref{i + 1}" for i in range(num_spk)] # Divide the concatenated enrollments into single speaker enrollments # NOTE(wangyou): whitespace is not allowed inside each path tup = data[enroll_name].split() if len(tup) == num_spk: # normal format in `enroll_spk1.scp`: # MIXTURE_UID /path/to/enrollment_or_embedding for i in range(num_spk - 1, -1, -1): data[f"enroll_ref{i + 1}"] = tup[i] elif len(tup) == num_spk * 2: # a special format in `enroll_spk1.scp`: # MIXTURE_UID *UID SPEAKER_ID for i in range(num_spk - 1, -1, -1): data[f"enroll_ref{i + 1}"] = " ".join(tup[i * 2 : i * 2 + 2]) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid format with in enroll_spk1.scp. Expected {num_spk} or " f"{num_spk * 2} columns, got {len(tup)} columns:\n{tup}" ) if self.train: assert len(ref_names) == len(aux_names), (len(ref_names), len(aux_names)) if not self.load_all_speakers: # only load one target-speaker data spk = np.random.randint(0, num_spk) for i, name in enumerate(ref_names): if i == 0: data[name] = data[ref_names[spk]] else: data.pop(name) continue for i, name in enumerate(aux_names): if not self.load_all_speakers: if i == 0: data[name] = data[aux_names[spk]] else: data.pop(name) continue if self.train_spk2enroll is None: # normal format in `enroll_spk?.scp`: # MIXTURE_UID /path/to/enrollment_or_embedding assert not data[name].startswith("*"), data[name] aux_audio = data[name] else: # a special format in `enroll_spk?.scp`: # MIXTURE_UID *UID SPEAKER_ID assert data[name].startswith("*"), data[name] cur_uid, spkid = data[name][1:].strip().split(maxsplit=1) aux_uid, aux_audio = random.choice(self.train_spk2enroll[spkid]) while aux_uid == cur_uid: aux_uid, aux_audio = random.choice(self.train_spk2enroll[spkid]) if getattr(self, "load_spk_embedding", False): data[name] = np.load(aux_audio)[None, :] # force 2D elif self.enroll_segment: data[name] = self._read_audio_segment( aux_audio, self.enroll_segment ) else: data[name] =[0] else: for name in aux_names: if data[name].startswith("*"): # in case of collecting stats for training data data[name] = np.zeros(1, dtype=data[self.speech_name].dtype) else: if getattr(self, "load_spk_embedding", False): data[name] = np.load(data[name])[None, :] # force 2D elif self.enroll_segment and len(ref_names) > 0: # do not segment the enrollment during inference # (stage 7 in data[name] = self._read_audio_segment( data[name], self.enroll_segment ) else: data[name] =[name])[0] return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = super()._speech_process(uid, data) data = self._speech_process(uid, data) return data
[docs]class SpkPreprocessor(CommonPreprocessor): """Preprocessor for Speaker tasks. Args: train (bool): Whether to use in training mode. spk2utt (str): Path to the `spk2utt` file. target_duration (float): Target duration in seconds. sample_rate (int): Sampling rate. num_eval (int): Number of utterances to be used for evaluation. rir_scp (str): Path to the RIR scp file. rir_apply_prob (float): Probability of applying RIR. noise_info (List[Tuple[float, str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]]]): List of tuples of noise information. Each tuple represents a noise type. Each tuple consists of `(prob, noise_scp, num_to_mix, db_range)`. - `prob` (float) is the probability of applying the noise type. - `noise_scp` (str) is the path to the noise scp file. - `num_to_mix` (Tuple[int, int]) is the range of the number of noises to be mixed. - `db_range` (Tuple[float, float]) is the range of noise levels in dB. noise_apply_prob (float): Probability of applying noise. short_noise_thres (float): Threshold of short noise. """ def __init__( self, train: bool, target_duration: float, # in seconds spk2utt: Optional[str] = None, sample_rate: int = 16000, num_eval: int = 10, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_info: List[ Tuple[float, str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]] ] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, ): super().__init__(train, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob) self.spk2label = None # a dictionary that maps string speaker label to int self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.target_duration = int(target_duration * sample_rate) self.num_eval = num_eval if train: with open(spk2utt, "r") as f_s2u: self.spk2utt = f_s2u.readlines() self._make_label_mapping() self.nspk = len(self.spk2utt) self.rir_scp = rir_scp self.noise_apply_prob = noise_apply_prob self.short_noise_thres = short_noise_thres self.noises = [] self.noise_probs = [] self.noise_db_ranges = [] self.noise_num_to_mix = [] if noise_apply_prob > 0: for prob, noise_scp, num_to_mix, db_range in noise_info: if prob > 0: assert len(db_range) == 2, db_range assert db_range[0] <= db_range[1], db_range assert len(num_to_mix) == 2, num_to_mix assert num_to_mix[0] <= num_to_mix[1], num_to_mix self.noise_probs.append(prob) self.noise_db_ranges.append(tuple(db_range)) self.noise_num_to_mix.append(num_to_mix) noises = [] with open(noise_scp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: sps = line.strip().split(None, 1) if len(sps) == 1: noises.append(sps[0]) else: noises.append(sps[1]) self.noises.append(noises) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ msg = f"{name}(train={self.train}" if self.spk2label: msg += f", len(spk2label)={len(self.spk2label)}" for key in ("target_duration", "sample_rate", "num_eval"): if getattr(self, key): msg += f", {key}={getattr(self, key)}" if self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob > 0: msg += f", rir_scp={self.rir_scp}, rir_apply_prob={self.rir_apply_prob}" if self.noise_apply_prob > 0 and self.noises: msg += f", noise_apply_prob={self.noise_apply_prob}" msg += f", noises.shapes={[len(n) for n in self.noises]}" msg += f", noise_probs={self.noise_probs}" msg += f", noise_db_ranges={self.noise_db_ranges}" msg += f", noise_num_to_mix={self.noise_num_to_mix}" return msg + ")" def _make_label_mapping(self): label_idx = 0 self.spk2label = {} for spk in self.spk2utt: spk = spk.strip().split(" ")[0] self.spk2label[spk] = label_idx label_idx += 1 def _speech_process(self, data: Dict[np.ndarray, str]): if self.train: audio = data["speech"] # duplicate if utt is shorter than minimum required duration if len(audio) < self.target_duration: shortage = self.target_duration - len(audio) + 1 audio = np.pad(audio, (0, shortage), "wrap") startframe = np.array( [np.int64(random.random() * (len(audio) - self.target_duration))] ) data["speech"] = audio[ int(startframe) : int(startframe) + self.target_duration ] if self.noise_apply_prob > 0 or self.rir_apply_prob > 0: data["speech"] = self._apply_data_augmentation(data["speech"]) else: audio = data["speech"] audio2 = data["speech2"] # duplicate if utt is shorter than minimum required duration if len(audio) < self.target_duration: shortage = self.target_duration - len(audio) + 1 audio = np.pad(audio, (0, shortage), "wrap") if len(audio2) < self.target_duration: shortage = self.target_duration - len(audio2) + 1 audio2 = np.pad(audio2, (0, shortage), "wrap") startframe = np.linspace( 0, len(audio) - self.target_duration, num=self.num_eval ) audios = [] for frame in startframe: audios.append(audio[int(frame) : int(frame) + self.target_duration]) audios = np.stack(audios, axis=0) startframe2 = np.linspace( 0, len(audio2) - self.target_duration, num=self.num_eval ) audios2 = [] for frame in startframe2: audios2.append(audio2[int(frame) : int(frame) + self.target_duration]) audios2 = np.stack(audios2, axis=0) data["speech"] = audios data["speech2"] = audios2 return data def _convolve_rir(self, speech, rirs): rir_path = np.random.choice(rirs) rir = None if rir_path is not None: rir, _ =, dtype=np.float64, always_2d=True) # rir: (Nmic, Time) rir = rir.T # normalize rir rir = rir / np.sqrt(np.sum(rir**2)) # speech: (Nmic, Time) # Note that this operation doesn't change the signal length speech = scipy.signal.convolve(speech, rir, mode="full")[ :, : speech.shape[1] ] return speech, rir def _load_noise(self, speech, speech_db, noises, noise_db_low, noise_db_high): nsamples = speech.shape[1] noise_path = np.random.choice(noises) noise = None if noise_path is not None: noise_snr = np.random.uniform(noise_db_low, noise_db_high) with soundfile.SoundFile(noise_path) as f: if f.frames == nsamples: noise = elif f.frames < nsamples: # noise: (Time,) noise = # Repeat noise noise = np.pad( noise, (0, nsamples - f.frames), mode="wrap", ) else: offset = np.random.randint(0, f.frames - nsamples) # noise: (Time,) noise =, dtype=np.float64) if len(noise) != nsamples: raise RuntimeError(f"Something wrong: {noise_path}") # noise: (Nmic, Time) noise = noise[None, :] noise_power = np.mean(noise**2) noise_db = 10 * np.log10(noise_power + 1e-4) scale = np.sqrt(10 ** ((speech_db - noise_db - noise_snr) / 10)) noise = noise * scale return noise def _apply_data_augmentation(self, speech): # speech: (Nmic, Time) if speech.ndim == 1: speech = speech[None, :] else: speech = speech.T if self.rirs is not None and self.rir_apply_prob >= np.random.random(): speech, _ = self._convolve_rir(speech, self.rirs) if self.noises and self.noise_apply_prob >= np.random.random(): idx = random.choices( range(len(self.noises)), weights=self.noise_probs, k=1 )[0] low, high = self.noise_num_to_mix[idx] if low == high: num_to_mix = low else: num_to_mix = np.random.randint(low, high + 1) # add eps of 1e-4 to avoid negative value before log speech_db = 10 * np.log10(np.mean(speech**2) + 1e-4) noiselist = [] for _ in range(num_to_mix): noise = self._load_noise( speech, # original speech speech_db, # db of speech self.noises[idx], # a list of a type of noise self.noise_db_ranges[idx][0], # min db self.noise_db_ranges[idx][1], # max db ) noiselist.append(noise) noise = np.sum(np.concatenate(noiselist, axis=0), axis=0, keepdims=True) speech = speech + noise speech = np.squeeze(speech, axis=0) return speech def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Make speaker labels into integers.""" if self.train: int_label = self.spk2label[data["spk_labels"]] data["spk_labels"] = np.asarray([int_label], dtype=np.int64) else: data["spk_labels"] = np.asarray([int(data["spk_labels"])]) if "task_tokens" in data: data["task_tokens"] = np.asarray([int(data["task_tokens"])]) return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = self._text_process(data) data = self._speech_process(data) return data
[docs]class S2TPreprocessor(CommonPreprocessor): def __init__( self, train: bool, token_type: Optional[str] = None, token_list: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, bpemodel: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, text_cleaner: Collection[str] = None, g2p_type: Optional[str] = None, unk_symbol: str = "<unk>", space_symbol: str = "<space>", non_linguistic_symbols: Union[Path, str, Iterable[str]] = None, delimiter: Optional[str] = None, rir_scp: Optional[str] = None, rir_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_scp: Optional[str] = None, noise_apply_prob: float = 1.0, noise_db_range: str = "3_10", short_noise_thres: float = 0.5, speech_volume_normalize: float = None, speech_name: str = "speech", text_name: str = "text", text_prev_name: str = "text_prev", text_ctc_name: str = "text_ctc", fs: int = 16000, na_symbol: str = "<na>", # text is not available e.g. for prev or ctc speech_length: float = 30, # pad or trim speech to this value in seconds speech_resolution: float = 0.02, # speech time resolution speech_init_silence: float = 1.0, # max silence before speech for data aug text_prev_apply_prob: float = 0.5, # whether to condition on text_prev time_apply_prob: float = 0.5, # whether to include timestamps notime_symbol: str = "<notimestamps>", first_time_symbol: str = "<0.00>", last_time_symbol: str = "<30.00>", ): super().__init__( train=train, token_type=token_type, token_list=token_list, bpemodel=bpemodel, text_cleaner=text_cleaner, g2p_type=g2p_type, unk_symbol=unk_symbol, space_symbol=space_symbol, non_linguistic_symbols=non_linguistic_symbols, delimiter=delimiter, rir_scp=rir_scp, rir_apply_prob=rir_apply_prob, noise_scp=noise_scp, noise_apply_prob=noise_apply_prob, noise_db_range=noise_db_range, short_noise_thres=short_noise_thres, speech_volume_normalize=speech_volume_normalize, speech_name=speech_name, text_name=text_name, fs=fs, ) self.text_prev_name = text_prev_name self.text_ctc_name = text_ctc_name self.speech_length = int(speech_length * fs) self.speech_resolution = int(speech_resolution * fs) self.speech_init_silence = int(speech_init_silence * fs) self.text_prev_apply_prob = text_prev_apply_prob self.time_apply_prob = time_apply_prob # Obtain the token id of special tokens self.na_symbol = na_symbol self.notime = self.token_id_converter.token2id[notime_symbol] self.first_time = self.token_id_converter.token2id[first_time_symbol] self.last_time = self.token_id_converter.token2id[last_time_symbol] @typechecked def _pad_or_trim_speech( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]], int]: init_pad = 0 if self.speech_name in data: speech = data[self.speech_name] # speech: (Nmic, Time) if speech.ndim == 1: speech = speech[None, :] else: speech = speech.T # Add silence to the left if self.train and speech.shape[-1] < self.speech_length: init_pad = np.random.randint( min(self.speech_length - speech.shape[-1], self.speech_init_silence) + 1 ) speech = np.pad(speech, ((0, 0), (init_pad, 0))) # Pad or trim to max_samples if speech.shape[-1] < self.speech_length: speech = np.pad( speech, ((0, 0), (0, self.speech_length - speech.shape[-1])) ) else: speech = speech[:, : self.speech_length] data[self.speech_name] = speech.T # convert back to time first return data, init_pad @typechecked def _text_process( self, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]], time_shift: int ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: text_names = [self.text_name, self.text_prev_name, self.text_ctc_name] if self.tokenizer is not None: for name in text_names: if name in data: text = data[name] # Remove prev text by setting it to <na> if ( self.train and name == self.text_prev_name and np.random.uniform() > self.text_prev_apply_prob ): text = self.na_symbol text = self.text_cleaner(text) tokens = self.tokenizer.text2tokens(text) text_ints = self.token_id_converter.tokens2ids(tokens) text_ints = np.array(text_ints, dtype=np.int64) # Augment text if name == self.text_name: # NOTE(yifan): The first token is always space # which should be removed. # No space is allowed between special tokens. # This works for bpe, but maybe not for the other types. text_ints = text_ints[1:] # Remove timestamps if self.train and np.random.uniform() > self.time_apply_prob: # Timestamps are continuous ints text_ints = text_ints[ np.logical_or( text_ints < self.first_time, text_ints > self.last_time, ) ] # First two tokens are <category> and <task> text_ints = np.insert(text_ints, 2, self.notime) # Shift timestamps text_ints[ np.logical_and( text_ints >= self.first_time, text_ints <= self.last_time, ) ] += time_shift data[name] = text_ints return data @typechecked def __call__( self, uid: str, data: Dict[str, Union[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: data = self._speech_process(data) data, init_pad = self._pad_or_trim_speech(data) data = self._text_process(data, round(init_pad / self.speech_resolution)) return data