Source code for espnet2.uasr.segmenter.abs_segmenter

Segmenter definition for UASR task

Practially, the output of the generator (in frame-level) may
predict the same phoneme for consecutive frames, which makes
it too easy for the discriminator. So, the segmenter here is
to merge frames with a similar prediction from the generator output.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import torch

[docs]class AbsSegmenter(torch.nn.Module, ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def pre_segment( self, xs_pad: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def logit_segment( self, xs_pad: torch.Tensor, ilens: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError