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espnetez.preprocess.tokenizer.tokenize(input, output, write_vocabulary=True, blank='<blank>', oov='<unk>', sos_eos='<sos/eos>', **kwargs)
Tokenizes the input text and saves the output to a specified file.
This function utilizes the ESPnet tokenizer to process a given input text file, tokenize its contents, and save the results to an output file. Additionally, it can optionally write a vocabulary file and allows for the inclusion of special symbols such as blank tokens, out-of-vocabulary tokens, and start/end of sentence tokens.
- Parameters:
- input (str) – Path to the input text file to be tokenized.
- output (str) – Path to the output file where the tokenized text will be saved.
- write_vocabulary (bool , optional) – Whether to write the vocabulary to a file. Defaults to True.
- blank (str , optional) – Symbol to represent blank tokens. Defaults to “<blank>”.
- oov (str , optional) – Symbol to represent out-of-vocabulary tokens. Defaults to “<unk>”.
- sos_eos (str , optional) – Symbol to represent start and end of sentence tokens. Defaults to “<sos/eos>”.
- **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to customize the tokenizer behavior.
- Returns: The function does not return any value but writes the tokenized output to the specified file.
- Return type: None
- Raises:
- FileNotFoundError – If the input file does not exist.
- ValueError – If the provided arguments are invalid.
Basic usage
tokenize(‘input.txt’, ‘output.txt’)
Customizing the tokenizer with additional symbols
tokenize(‘input.txt’, ‘output.txt’, write_vocabulary=False,
blank=”<space>”, oov=”<unknown>”, sos_eos=”<start/end>”)