Source code for espnet.nets.beam_search_timesync_streaming

Time Synchronous One-Pass Beam Search.

Implements joint CTC/attention decoding where
hypotheses are expanded along the time (input) axis,
as described in
Supports CPU and GPU inference.
References: for CTC beam search
Author: Brian Yan

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch

from espnet.nets.beam_search import Hypothesis
from espnet.nets.scorer_interface import ScorerInterface

[docs]@dataclass class CacheItem: """For caching attentional decoder and LM states.""" state: Any scores: Any log_sum: float
[docs]class BeamSearchTimeSyncStreaming(torch.nn.Module): """Time synchronous beam search algorithm.""" def __init__( self, sos: int, beam_size: int, scorers: Dict[str, ScorerInterface], weights: Dict[str, float], token_list=dict, pre_beam_ratio: float = 1.5, blank: int = 0, hold_n: int = 0, ): """Initialize beam search. Args: beam_size: num hyps sos: sos index ctc: CTC module pre_beam_ratio: pre_beam_ratio * beam_size = pre_beam pre_beam is used to select candidates from vocab to extend hypotheses decoder: decoder ScorerInterface ctc_weight: ctc_weight blank: blank index """ super().__init__() self.ctc = scorers["ctc"] self.decoder = scorers["decoder"] if "decoder" in scorers else None self.lm = scorers["lm"] if "lm" in scorers else None self.beam_size = beam_size self.pre_beam_size = int(pre_beam_ratio * beam_size) self.ctc_weight = weights["ctc"] self.lm_weight = weights["lm"] self.decoder_weight = weights["decoder"] self.penalty = weights["length_bonus"] self.blank_penalty = ( np.log(weights["blank_penalty"]) if "blank_penalty" in weights else 0.0 ) self.sos = sos self.sos_th = torch.tensor([self.sos]) self.blank = blank self.attn_cache = dict() # cache for p_attn(Y|X) self.lm_cache = dict() # cache for p_lm(Y) self.enc_output = None # log p_ctc(Z|X) self.token_list = token_list self.hold_n = hold_n
[docs] def reset(self, enc_output: torch.Tensor): """Reset object for a new utterance.""" self.attn_cache = dict() self.lm_cache = dict() self.enc_output = enc_output self.sos_th = if self.decoder is not None: init_decoder_state = self.decoder.init_state(enc_output) decoder_scores, decoder_state = self.decoder.score( self.sos_th, init_decoder_state, enc_output ) self.attn_cache[(self.sos,)] = CacheItem( state=decoder_state, scores=decoder_scores, log_sum=0.0, ) # TODO(brian): change to hyp_primer to support prompts decoder_scores, decoder_state = self.decoder.score( torch.tensor( [ self.sos, ], device=enc_output.device, ), init_decoder_state, enc_output, ) self.attn_cache[(self.sos,)] = CacheItem( state=decoder_state, scores=decoder_scores, log_sum=0.0, ) if self.lm is not None: init_lm_state = self.lm.init_state(enc_output) lm_scores, lm_state = self.lm.score(self.sos_th, init_lm_state, enc_output) self.lm_cache[(self.sos,)] = CacheItem( state=lm_state, scores=lm_scores, log_sum=0.0, )
[docs] def cached_score( self, h: Tuple[int], cache: dict, scorer: ScorerInterface, recompute_cache: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Retrieve decoder/LM scores which may be cached.""" root = h[:-1] # prefix if (root in cache and root in self.block_set) or len(root) <= 1: logging.debug("not recomputing") root_scores = cache[root].scores root_state = cache[root].state root_log_sum = cache[root].log_sum else: # run decoder fwd one step and update cache root_root = root[:-1] root_root_state = cache[root_root].state root_scores, root_state = scorer.score( torch.tensor(root, device=self.enc_output.device).long(), root_root_state, self.enc_output, ) root_log_sum = cache[root_root].log_sum + float( cache[root_root].scores[root[-1]] ) cache[root] = CacheItem( state=root_state, scores=root_scores, log_sum=root_log_sum ) cand_score = float(root_scores[h[-1]]) score = root_log_sum + cand_score logging.debug("cand score: " + str(cand_score)) logging.debug("decoder score: " + str(score)) self.block_set.add(root) return score
# TODO(brian): make this extendable to multiple scorers
[docs] def joint_score( self, hyps: Any, ctc_score_dp: Any, recompute_cache: bool = False ) -> Any: """Calculate joint score for hyps.""" scores = dict() for h in hyps: score = self.ctc_weight * np.logaddexp(*ctc_score_dp[h]) # ctc score logging.debug("len: " + str(len(h))) logging.debug("ctc score: " + str(score)) if len(h) > 1 and self.decoder_weight > 0 and self.decoder is not None: score += ( self.cached_score(h, self.attn_cache, self.decoder, recompute_cache) * self.decoder_weight ) # attn score if len(h) > 1 and self.lm is not None and self.lm_weight > 0: score += ( self.cached_score(h, self.lm_cache, self.lm) * self.lm_weight ) # lm score score += self.penalty * (len(h) - 1) # penalty score scores[h] = score logging.debug("total score: " + str(score)) return scores
[docs] def time_step( self, p_ctc: Any, ctc_score_dp: Any, hyps: Any, recompute_cache: bool = False ) -> Any: """Execute a single time step.""" pre_beam_threshold = np.sort(p_ctc)[-self.pre_beam_size] cands = set(np.where(p_ctc >= pre_beam_threshold)[0]) if len(cands) == 0: cands = {np.argmax(p_ctc)} new_hyps = set() ctc_score_dp_next = defaultdict( lambda: (float("-inf"), float("-inf")) ) # (p_nb, p_b) for hyp_l in hyps: p_prev_l = np.logaddexp(*ctc_score_dp[hyp_l]) for c in cands: if c == self.blank: logging.debug("blank cand, hypothesis is " + str(hyp_l)) p_nb, p_b = ctc_score_dp_next[hyp_l] p_b = np.logaddexp(p_b, p_ctc[c] + p_prev_l + self.blank_penalty) ctc_score_dp_next[hyp_l] = (p_nb, p_b) new_hyps.add(hyp_l) else: l_plus = hyp_l + (int(c),) logging.debug("hypothesis before expanding is " + str(hyp_l)) logging.debug("non-blank cand, hypothesis is " + str(l_plus)) p_nb, p_b = ctc_score_dp_next[l_plus] if c == hyp_l[-1]: logging.debug("repeat cand, hypothesis is " + str(hyp_l)) p_nb_prev, p_b_prev = ctc_score_dp[hyp_l] p_nb = np.logaddexp(p_nb, p_ctc[c] + p_b_prev) p_nb_l, p_b_l = ctc_score_dp_next[hyp_l] p_nb_l = np.logaddexp( p_nb_l, p_ctc[c] + p_nb_prev + self.blank_penalty ) ctc_score_dp_next[hyp_l] = (p_nb_l, p_b_l) else: p_nb = np.logaddexp(p_nb, p_ctc[c] + p_prev_l) if l_plus not in hyps and l_plus in ctc_score_dp: p_b = np.logaddexp( p_b, p_ctc[self.blank] + np.logaddexp(*ctc_score_dp[l_plus]) ) p_nb = np.logaddexp(p_nb, p_ctc[c] + ctc_score_dp[l_plus][0]) ctc_score_dp_next[l_plus] = (p_nb, p_b) new_hyps.add(l_plus) scores = self.joint_score(new_hyps, ctc_score_dp_next, recompute_cache) hyps = sorted(new_hyps, key=lambda hyp_l: scores[hyp_l], reverse=True)[ : self.beam_size ] logging.debug("max len before prune" + str(max([len(x) for x in new_hyps]))) logging.debug("max len after prune" + str(max([len(x) for x in hyps]))) ctc_score_dp = ctc_score_dp_next.copy() return ctc_score_dp, hyps, scores
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, maxlenratio: float = 0.0, minlenratio: float = 0.0, start_idx: int = 0, is_final: bool = False, incremental_decode: bool = False, ) -> List[Hypothesis]: """Perform beam search. Args: enc_output (torch.Tensor) Return: list[Hypothesis] """"decoder input lengths: " + str(x.shape[0])) lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(x.unsqueeze(0)) lpz = lpz.squeeze(0) lpz = lpz.cpu().detach().numpy() if start_idx == 0: self.reset(x) # TODO(brian): change to hyp_primer to support prompts hyps = [(self.sos,)] ctc_score_dp = defaultdict( lambda: (float("-inf"), float("-inf")) ) # (p_nb, p_b) - dp object tracking p_ctc ctc_score_dp[(self.sos,)] = (float("-inf"), 0.0) else: self.enc_output = x hyps = self.hyps ctc_score_dp = self.ctc_score_dp self.block_set = set() # TODO(brian): change to hyp_primer to support prompts self.block_set.add((self.sos,)) for t in range(start_idx, lpz.shape[0]): logging.debug("position " + str(t)) ctc_score_dp, hyps, scores = self.time_step( lpz[t, :], ctc_score_dp, hyps, recompute_cache=(t > 0 and t == start_idx), ) logging.debug("best hyp " + "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in hyps[0]]))"block set len: {len(self.block_set)}") if incremental_decode: # prune hyps not containing top hyp as a prefix if len(hyps[0]) > self.hold_n and not is_final: inc = hyps[0][: len(hyps[0]) - self.hold_n] "top hyp: " + "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in hyps[0]]) ) "top hyp hold_n: " + "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in inc]) ) else: inc = hyps[0] self.hyps = [hyps[0]] for h in hyps[1:]: if len(h) <= len(inc): continue keep = True for i in range(len(inc)): if inc[i] != h[i]: keep = False break if keep: self.hyps.append(h)"hyps after inc pruning: {len(self.hyps)}") self.ctc_score_dp = ctc_score_dp ret = [ Hypothesis( yseq=torch.tensor(list(inc) + [self.sos]), score=scores[hyps[0]] ) ] else: self.hyps = hyps self.ctc_score_dp = ctc_score_dp ret = [ Hypothesis(yseq=torch.tensor(list(h) + [self.sos]), score=scores[h]) for h in hyps ] best_hyp = "".join([self.token_list[x] for x in ret[0].yseq.tolist()]) best_hyp_len = len(ret[0].yseq) best_score = ret[0].score"output length: {best_hyp_len}")"total log probability: {best_score:.2f}")"best hypo: {best_hyp}") if is_final:"\n") return ret