Source code for espnet2.enh.loss.criterions.tf_domain

import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import reduce

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from packaging.version import parse as V

from espnet2.enh.layers.complex_utils import complex_norm, is_complex, new_complex_like
from espnet2.enh.loss.criterions.abs_loss import AbsEnhLoss

is_torch_1_9_plus = V(torch.__version__) >= V("1.9.0")

EPS = torch.finfo(torch.get_default_dtype()).eps

def _create_mask_label(mix_spec, ref_spec, noise_spec=None, mask_type="IAM"):
    """Create mask label.

        mix_spec: ComplexTensor(B, T, [C,] F)
        ref_spec: List[ComplexTensor(B, T, [C,] F), ...]
        noise_spec: ComplexTensor(B, T, [C,] F)
            only used for IBM and IRM
        mask_type: str
        labels: List[Tensor(B, T, [C,] F), ...] or List[ComplexTensor(B, T, F), ...]

    # Must be upper case
    mask_type = mask_type.upper()
    assert mask_type in [
    ], f"mask type {mask_type} not supported"
    mask_label = []
    if ref_spec[0].ndim < mix_spec.ndim:
        # (B, T, F) -> (B, T, 1, F)
        ref_spec = [r.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(mix_spec.real) for r in ref_spec]
    if noise_spec is not None and noise_spec.ndim < mix_spec.ndim:
        # (B, T, F) -> (B, T, 1, F)
        noise_spec = noise_spec.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(mix_spec.real)
    for idx, r in enumerate(ref_spec):
        mask = None
        if mask_type == "IBM":
            if noise_spec is None:
                flags = [abs(r) >= abs(n) for n in ref_spec]
                flags = [abs(r) >= abs(n) for n in ref_spec + [noise_spec]]
            mask = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, flags)
            mask =
        elif mask_type == "IRM":
            beta = 0.5
            res_spec = sum(n for i, n in enumerate(ref_spec) if i != idx)
            if noise_spec is not None:
                res_spec += noise_spec
            mask = (abs(r).pow(2) / (abs(res_spec).pow(2) + EPS)).pow(beta)
        elif mask_type == "IAM":
            mask = abs(r) / (abs(mix_spec) + EPS)
            mask = mask.clamp(min=0, max=1)
        elif mask_type == "PSM" or mask_type == "NPSM":
            phase_r = r / (abs(r) + EPS)
            phase_mix = mix_spec / (abs(mix_spec) + EPS)
            # cos(a - b) = cos(a)*cos(b) + sin(a)*sin(b)
            cos_theta = phase_r.real * phase_mix.real + phase_r.imag * phase_mix.imag
            mask = (abs(r) / (abs(mix_spec) + EPS)) * cos_theta
            mask = (
                mask.clamp(min=0, max=1)
                if mask_type == "NPSM"
                else mask.clamp(min=-1, max=1)
        elif mask_type == "PSM^2":
            # This is for training beamforming masks
            phase_r = r / (abs(r) + EPS)
            phase_mix = mix_spec / (abs(mix_spec) + EPS)
            # cos(a - b) = cos(a)*cos(b) + sin(a)*sin(b)
            cos_theta = phase_r.real * phase_mix.real + phase_r.imag * phase_mix.imag
            mask = (abs(r).pow(2) / (abs(mix_spec).pow(2) + EPS)) * cos_theta
            mask = mask.clamp(min=-1, max=1)
        elif mask_type == "CIRM":
            # Ref: Complex Ratio Masking for Monaural Speech Separation
            denominator = mix_spec.real.pow(2) + mix_spec.imag.pow(2) + EPS
            mask_real = (mix_spec.real * r.real + mix_spec.imag * r.imag) / denominator
            mask_imag = (mix_spec.real * r.imag - mix_spec.imag * r.real) / denominator
            mask = new_complex_like(mix_spec, [mask_real, mask_imag])
        assert mask is not None, f"mask type {mask_type} not supported"
    return mask_label

[docs]class FrequencyDomainLoss(AbsEnhLoss, ABC): """Base class for all frequence-domain Enhancement loss modules.""" # The loss will be computed on mask or on spectrum @property @abstractmethod def compute_on_mask() -> bool: pass # the mask type @property @abstractmethod def mask_type() -> str: pass @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def only_for_test(self) -> bool: return self._only_for_test @property def is_noise_loss(self) -> bool: return self._is_noise_loss @property def is_dereverb_loss(self) -> bool: return self._is_dereverb_loss def __init__( self, name, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False ): super().__init__() self._name = name # only used during validation self._only_for_test = only_for_test # only used to calculate the noise-related loss self._is_noise_loss = is_noise_loss # only used to calculate the dereverberation-related loss self._is_dereverb_loss = is_dereverb_loss if is_noise_loss and is_dereverb_loss: raise ValueError( "`is_noise_loss` and `is_dereverb_loss` cannot be True at the same time" )
[docs] def create_mask_label(self, mix_spec, ref_spec, noise_spec=None): return _create_mask_label( mix_spec=mix_spec, ref_spec=ref_spec, noise_spec=noise_spec, mask_type=self.mask_type, )
[docs]class FrequencyDomainMSE(FrequencyDomainLoss): def __init__( self, compute_on_mask=False, mask_type="IBM", name=None, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False, ): if name is not None: _name = name elif compute_on_mask: _name = f"MSE_on_{mask_type}" else: _name = "MSE_on_Spec" super().__init__( _name, only_for_test=only_for_test, is_noise_loss=is_noise_loss, is_dereverb_loss=is_dereverb_loss, ) self._compute_on_mask = compute_on_mask self._mask_type = mask_type @property def compute_on_mask(self) -> bool: return self._compute_on_mask @property def mask_type(self) -> str: return self._mask_type
[docs] def forward(self, ref, inf) -> torch.Tensor: """time-frequency MSE loss. Args: ref: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) inf: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) Returns: loss: (Batch,) """ assert ref.shape == inf.shape, (ref.shape, inf.shape) diff = ref - inf if is_complex(diff): mseloss = diff.real**2 + diff.imag**2 else: mseloss = diff**2 if ref.dim() == 3: mseloss = mseloss.mean(dim=[1, 2]) elif ref.dim() == 4: mseloss = mseloss.mean(dim=[1, 2, 3]) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input shape: ref={}, inf={}".format(ref.shape, inf.shape) ) return mseloss
[docs]class FrequencyDomainL1(FrequencyDomainLoss): def __init__( self, compute_on_mask=False, mask_type="IBM", name=None, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False, ): if name is not None: _name = name elif compute_on_mask: _name = f"L1_on_{mask_type}" else: _name = "L1_on_Spec" super().__init__( _name, only_for_test=only_for_test, is_noise_loss=is_noise_loss, is_dereverb_loss=is_dereverb_loss, ) self._compute_on_mask = compute_on_mask self._mask_type = mask_type @property def compute_on_mask(self) -> bool: return self._compute_on_mask @property def mask_type(self) -> str: return self._mask_type
[docs] def forward(self, ref, inf) -> torch.Tensor: """time-frequency L1 loss. Args: ref: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) inf: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) Returns: loss: (Batch,) """ assert ref.shape == inf.shape, (ref.shape, inf.shape) if is_complex(inf): l1loss = ( abs(ref.real - inf.real) + abs(ref.imag - inf.imag) + abs(ref.abs() - inf.abs()) ) else: l1loss = abs(ref - inf) if ref.dim() == 3: l1loss = l1loss.mean(dim=[1, 2]) elif ref.dim() == 4: l1loss = l1loss.mean(dim=[1, 2, 3]) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input shape: ref={}, inf={}".format(ref.shape, inf.shape) ) return l1loss
[docs]class FrequencyDomainDPCL(FrequencyDomainLoss): def __init__( self, compute_on_mask=False, mask_type="IBM", loss_type="dpcl", name=None, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False, ): _name = "dpcl" if name is None else name super().__init__( _name, only_for_test=only_for_test, is_noise_loss=is_noise_loss, is_dereverb_loss=is_dereverb_loss, ) self._compute_on_mask = compute_on_mask self._mask_type = mask_type self._loss_type = loss_type @property def compute_on_mask(self) -> bool: return self._compute_on_mask @property def mask_type(self) -> str: return self._mask_type
[docs] def forward(self, ref, inf) -> torch.Tensor: """time-frequency Deep Clustering loss. References: [1] Deep clustering: Discriminative embeddings for segmentation and separation; John R. Hershey. et al., 2016; [2] Manifold-Aware Deep Clustering: Maximizing Angles Between Embedding Vectors Based on Regular Simplex; Tanaka, K. et al., 2021; Args: ref: List[(Batch, T, F) * spks] inf: (Batch, T*F, D) Returns: loss: (Batch,) """ # noqa: E501 assert len(ref) > 0 num_spk = len(ref) # Compute the ref for Deep Clustering[1][2] abs_ref = [abs(n) for n in ref] if self._loss_type == "dpcl": r = torch.zeros_like(abs_ref[0]) B = ref[0].shape[0] for i in range(num_spk): flags = [abs_ref[i] >= n for n in abs_ref] mask = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, flags) mask = * i r += mask r = r.contiguous().flatten().long() re = F.one_hot(r, num_classes=num_spk) re = re.contiguous().view(B, -1, num_spk) elif self._loss_type == "mdc": B = ref[0].shape[0] manifold_vector = torch.full( (num_spk, num_spk), (-1 / num_spk) * math.sqrt(num_spk / (num_spk - 1)), dtype=inf.dtype, device=inf.device, ) for i in range(num_spk): manifold_vector[i][i] = ((num_spk - 1) / num_spk) * math.sqrt( num_spk / (num_spk - 1) ) re = torch.zeros( ref[0].shape[0], ref[0].shape[1], ref[0].shape[2], num_spk, device=inf.device, ) for i in range(num_spk): flags = [abs_ref[i] >= n for n in abs_ref] mask = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, flags) mask = re[mask == 1] = manifold_vector[i] re = re.contiguous().view(B, -1, num_spk) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid loss type error: {self._loss_type}, " 'the loss type must be "dpcl" or "mdc"' ) V2 = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(inf, 2, 1), inf).pow(2).sum(dim=(1, 2)) Y2 = ( torch.matmul(torch.transpose(re, 2, 1).float(), re.float()) .pow(2) .sum(dim=(1, 2)) ) VY = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(inf, 2, 1), re.float()).pow(2).sum(dim=(1, 2)) return V2 + Y2 - 2 * VY
[docs]class FrequencyDomainAbsCoherence(FrequencyDomainLoss): def __init__( self, compute_on_mask=False, mask_type=None, name=None, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False, ): _name = "Coherence_on_Spec" if name is None else name super().__init__( _name, only_for_test=only_for_test, is_noise_loss=is_noise_loss, is_dereverb_loss=is_dereverb_loss, ) self._compute_on_mask = False self._mask_type = None @property def compute_on_mask(self) -> bool: return self._compute_on_mask @property def mask_type(self) -> str: return self._mask_type
[docs] def forward(self, ref, inf) -> torch.Tensor: """time-frequency absolute coherence loss. Reference: Independent Vector Analysis with Deep Neural Network Source Priors; Li et al 2020; Args: ref: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) inf: (Batch, T, F) or (Batch, T, C, F) Returns: loss: (Batch,) """ assert ref.shape == inf.shape, (ref.shape, inf.shape) if is_complex(ref) and is_complex(inf): # sqrt( E[|inf|^2] * E[|ref|^2] ) denom = ( complex_norm(ref, dim=1) * complex_norm(inf, dim=1) / ref.size(1) + EPS ) coh = (inf * ref.conj()).mean(dim=1).abs() / denom if ref.dim() == 3: coh_loss = 1.0 - coh.mean(dim=1) elif ref.dim() == 4: coh_loss = 1.0 - coh.mean(dim=[1, 2]) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input shape: ref={}, inf={}".format(ref.shape, inf.shape) ) else: raise ValueError("`ref` and `inf` must be complex tensors.") return coh_loss
[docs]class FrequencyDomainCrossEntropy(FrequencyDomainLoss): def __init__( self, compute_on_mask=False, mask_type=None, ignore_id=-100, name=None, only_for_test=False, is_noise_loss=False, is_dereverb_loss=False, ): if name is not None: _name = name elif compute_on_mask: _name = f"CE_on_{mask_type}" else: _name = "CE_on_Spec" super().__init__( _name, only_for_test=only_for_test, is_noise_loss=is_noise_loss, is_dereverb_loss=is_dereverb_loss, ) self._compute_on_mask = compute_on_mask self._mask_type = mask_type self.cross_entropy = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss( ignore_index=ignore_id, reduction="none" ) self.ignore_id = ignore_id @property def compute_on_mask(self) -> bool: return self._compute_on_mask @property def mask_type(self) -> str: return self._mask_type
[docs] def forward(self, ref, inf) -> torch.Tensor: """time-frequency cross-entropy loss. Args: ref: (Batch, T) or (Batch, T, C) inf: (Batch, T, nclass) or (Batch, T, C, nclass) Returns: loss: (Batch,) """ assert ref.shape[0] == inf.shape[0] and ref.shape[1] == inf.shape[1], ( ref.shape, inf.shape, ) if ref.dim() == 2: loss = self.cross_entropy(inf.permute(0, 2, 1), ref).mean(dim=1) elif ref.dim() == 3: loss = self.cross_entropy(inf.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), ref).mean(dim=[1, 2]) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid input shape: ref={}, inf={}".format(ref.shape, inf.shape) ) with torch.no_grad(): pred = inf.argmax(-1) mask = ref != self.ignore_id numerator = (pred == ref).masked_fill(~mask, 0).float() if ref.dim() == 2: acc = numerator.sum(dim=1) / mask.sum(dim=1).float() elif ref.dim() == 3: acc = numerator.sum(dim=[1, 2]) / mask.sum(dim=[1, 2]).float() self.stats = {"acc": acc.cpu() * 100} return loss