Source code for espnet2.tts.prodiff.denoiser

# Implemented from
# (
# Copyright 2022 Hitachi LTD. (Nelson Yalta)
#  Apache 2.0  (
import math
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.embedding import PositionalEncoding

def _vpsde_beta_t(t: int, T: int, min_beta: float, max_beta: float) -> float:
    """Beta Scheduler.

        t (int): current step.
        T (int): total steps.
        min_beta (float): minimum beta.
        max_beta (float): maximum beta.

        float: current beta.

    t_coef = (2 * t - 1) / (T**2)
    return 1.0 - np.exp(-min_beta / T - 0.5 * (max_beta - min_beta) * t_coef)

[docs]def noise_scheduler( sched_type: str, timesteps: int, min_beta: float = 0.0, max_beta: float = 0.01, s: float = 0.008, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Noise Scheduler. Args: sched_type (str): type of scheduler. timesteps (int): numbern of time steps. min_beta (float, optional): Minimum beta. Defaults to 0.0. max_beta (float, optional): Maximum beta. Defaults to 0.01. s (float, optional): Scheduler intersection. Defaults to 0.008. Returns: tensor: Noise. """ if sched_type == "linear": scheduler = np.linspace(1e-6, 0.01, timesteps) elif sched_type == "cosine": steps = timesteps + 1 x = np.linspace(0, steps, steps) alphas_cumprod = np.cos(((x / steps) + s) / (1 + s) * np.pi * 0.5) ** 2 alphas_cumprod = alphas_cumprod / alphas_cumprod[0] betas = 1 - (alphas_cumprod[1:] / alphas_cumprod[:-1]) scheduler = np.clip(betas, a_min=0, a_max=0.999) elif sched_type == "vpsde": scheduler = np.array( [ _vpsde_beta_t(t, timesteps, min_beta, max_beta) for t in range(1, timesteps + 1) ] ) else: raise NotImplementedError return torch.as_tensor(scheduler.astype(np.float32))
[docs]class Mish(nn.Module): """Mish Activation Function. Introduced in `Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Activation Function`_. .. _Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Activation Function: """
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate forward propagation. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor. """ return x * torch.tanh(F.softplus(x))
[docs]class ResidualBlock(nn.Module): """Residual Block for Diffusion Denoiser.""" def __init__( self, adim: int, channels: int, dilation: int, ) -> None: """Initialization. Args: adim (int): Size of dimensions. channels (int): Number of channels. dilation (int): Size of dilations. """ super().__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv1d( channels, 2 * channels, 3, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation ) self.diff_proj = nn.Linear(channels, channels) self.cond_proj = nn.Conv1d(adim, 2 * channels, 1) self.out_proj = nn.Conv1d(channels, 2 * channels, 1)
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, condition: torch.Tensor, step: torch.Tensor ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Calculate forward propagation. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. condition (torch.Tensor): Conditioning tensor. step (torch.Tensor): Number of diffusion step. Returns: Union[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Output tensor. """ step = self.diff_proj(step).unsqueeze(-1) condition = self.cond_proj(condition) y = x + step y = self.conv(y) + condition gate, _filter = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) y = torch.sigmoid(gate) * torch.tanh(_filter) y = self.out_proj(y) residual, skip = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) return (x + residual) / math.sqrt(2.0), skip
[docs]class SpectogramDenoiser(nn.Module): """Spectogram Denoiser. Ref: """ def __init__( self, idim: int, adim: int = 256, layers: int = 20, channels: int = 256, cycle_length: int = 1, timesteps: int = 200, timescale: int = 1, max_beta: float = 40.0, scheduler: str = "vpsde", dropout_rate: float = 0.05, ) -> None: """Initialization. Args: idim (int): Dimension of the inputs. adim (int, optional):Dimension of the hidden states. Defaults to 256. layers (int, optional): Number of layers. Defaults to 20. channels (int, optional): Number of channels of each layer. Defaults to 256. cycle_length (int, optional): Cycle length of the diffusion. Defaults to 1. timesteps (int, optional): Number of timesteps of the diffusion. Defaults to 200. timescale (int, optional): Number of timescale. Defaults to 1. max_beta (float, optional): Maximum beta value for schedueler. Defaults to 40. scheduler (str, optional): Type of noise scheduler. Defaults to "vpsde". dropout_rate (float, optional): Dropout rate. Defaults to 0.05. """ super().__init__() self.idim = idim self.timesteps = timesteps self.scale = timescale self.num_layers = layers self.channels = channels # Denoiser self.in_proj = nn.Conv1d(idim, channels, 1) self.denoiser_pos = PositionalEncoding(channels, dropout_rate) self.denoiser_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(channels, channels * 4), Mish(), nn.Linear(channels * 4, channels) ) self.denoiser_res = nn.ModuleList( [ ResidualBlock(adim, channels, 2 ** (i % cycle_length)) for i in range(layers) ] ) self.skip_proj = nn.Conv1d(channels, channels, 1) self.feats_out = nn.Conv1d(channels, idim, 1) # Diffusion self.betas = noise_scheduler(scheduler, timesteps + 1, 0.1, max_beta, 8e-3) alphas = 1.0 - self.betas alphas_cumulative = torch.cumprod(alphas, dim=0) self.register_buffer("alphas_cumulative", torch.sqrt(alphas_cumulative)) self.register_buffer( "min_alphas_cumulative", torch.sqrt(1.0 - alphas_cumulative) )
[docs] def forward( self, xs: torch.Tensor, ys: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, masks: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, is_inference: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate forward propagation. Args: xs (torch.Tensor): Phoneme-encoded tensor (#batch, time, dims) ys (Optional[torch.Tensor], optional): Mel-based reference tensor (#batch, time, mels). Defaults to None. masks (Optional[torch.Tensor], optional): Mask tensor (#batch, time). Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor (#batch, time, dims). """ if is_inference: return self.inference(xs) batch_size = xs.shape[0] timesteps = ( torch.randint(0, self.timesteps + 1, (batch_size,)).to(xs.device).long() ) # Diffusion ys_noise = self.diffusion(ys, timesteps) # (batch, 1, dims, time) ys_noise = ys_noise * masks.unsqueeze(1) # Denoise ys_denoise = self.forward_denoise(ys_noise, timesteps, xs) ys_denoise = ys_denoise * masks return ys_denoise.transpose(1, 2)
[docs] def forward_denoise( self, xs_noisy: torch.Tensor, step: torch.Tensor, condition: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate forward for denoising diffusion. Args: xs_noisy (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. step (torch.Tensor): Number of step. condition (torch.Tensor): Conditioning tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Denoised tensor. """ xs_noisy = xs_noisy.squeeze(1) condition = condition.transpose(1, 2) xs_noisy = F.relu(self.in_proj(xs_noisy)) step = step.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, self.channels) step = self.denoiser_pos(step.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1) step = self.denoiser_mlp(step) skip_conns = list() for _, layer in enumerate(self.denoiser_res): xs_noisy, skip = layer(xs_noisy, condition, step) skip_conns.append(skip) xs_noisy = torch.sum(torch.stack(skip_conns), dim=0) / math.sqrt( self.num_layers ) xs_denoise = F.relu(self.skip_proj(xs_noisy)) xs_denoise = self.feats_out(xs_noisy) return xs_denoise
[docs] def diffusion( self, xs_ref: torch.Tensor, steps: torch.Tensor, noise: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate diffusion process during training. Args: xs_ref (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. steps (torch.Tensor): Number of step. noise (Optional[torch.Tensor], optional): Noise tensor. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor. """ # here goes norm_spec if does something batch_size = xs_ref.shape[0] xs_ref = xs_ref.transpose(1, 2).unsqueeze(1) steps = torch.clamp(steps, min=0) # not sure if this is required # make a noise tensor if noise is None: noise = torch.randn_like(xs_ref) # q-sample ndims = (batch_size, *((1,) * (xs_ref.dim() - 1))) cum_prods = self.alphas_cumulative.gather(-1, steps).reshape(ndims) min_cum_prods = self.min_alphas_cumulative.gather(-1, steps).reshape(ndims) xs_noisy = xs_ref * cum_prods + noise * min_cum_prods return xs_noisy
[docs] def inference(self, condition: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate forward during inference. Args: condition (torch.Tensor): Conditioning tensor (batch, time, dims). Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor. """ batch = condition.shape[0] device = condition.device shape = (batch, 1, self.idim, condition.shape[1]) xs_noisy = torch.randn(shape).to(device) # (batch, 1, dims, time) # required params: beta = self.betas alph = 1.0 - beta alph_prod = torch.cumprod(alph, axis=0) alph_prod_prv =,)), alph_prod[:-1])) coef1 = beta * torch.sqrt(alph_prod_prv) / (1.0 - alph_prod) coef2 = (1.0 - alph_prod_prv) * torch.sqrt(alph) / (1.0 - alph_prod) post_var = beta * (1.0 - alph_prod_prv) / (1.0 - alph_prod) post_var = torch.log(torch.maximum(post_var, torch.full((1,), 1e-20))) # denoising steps for _step in reversed(range(0, self.timesteps)): # p-sample steps = torch.full((batch,), _step, dtype=torch.long).to(device) xs_denoised = self.forward_denoise(xs_noisy, steps, condition).unsqueeze(1) # q-posterior (xs_denoised, xs_noisy, steps) ndims = (batch, *((1,) * (xs_denoised.dim() - 1))) _coef1 = coef1.gather(-1, steps).reshape(ndims) _coef2 = coef2.gather(-1, steps).reshape(ndims) q_mean = _coef1 * xs_denoised + _coef2 * xs_noisy q_log_var = post_var.gather(-1, steps).reshape(ndims) # q-posterior-sample noise = torch.randn_like(xs_denoised).to(device) _mask = (1 - (steps == 0).float()).reshape(ndims) xs_noisy = q_mean + _mask * (0.5 * q_log_var).exp() * noise ys = xs_noisy[0].transpose(1, 2) return ys