class espnet2.tasks.abs_task.AbsTask
Bases: ABC
abstract classmethod add_task_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser)
classmethod build_category_chunk_iter_factory(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, mode: str) → AbsIterFactory
classmethod build_category_iter_factory(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, mode: str) → AbsIterFactory
classmethod build_chunk_iter_factory(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, mode: str) → AbsIterFactory
abstract classmethod build_collate_fn(args: Namespace, train: bool) → Callable[[Sequence[Dict[str, ndarray]]], Dict[str, Tensor]]
Return “collate_fn”, which is a callable object and given to DataLoader.
>>> from import DataLoader
>>> loader = DataLoader(collate_fn=cls.build_collate_fn(args, train=True), ...)
In many cases, you can use our common collate_fn.
classmethod build_dataset(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, keys_to_load: Set[int | str] | None = None) → AbsDataset
classmethod build_iter_factory(args: Namespace, distributed_option: DistributedOption, mode: str, kwargs: dict | None = None) → AbsIterFactory
Build a factory object of mini-batch iterator.
This object is invoked at every epochs to build the iterator for each epoch as following:
>>> iter_factory = cls.build_iter_factory(...)
>>> for epoch in range(1, max_epoch):
... for keys, batch in iter_fatory.build_iter(epoch):
... model(**batch)
The mini-batches for each epochs are fully controlled by this class. Note that the random seed used for shuffling is decided as “seed + epoch” and the generated mini-batches can be reproduces when resuming.
Note that the definition of “epoch” doesn’t always indicate to run out of the whole training corpus. “–num_iters_per_epoch” option restricts the number of iterations for each epoch and the rest of samples for the originally epoch are left for the next epoch. e.g. If The number of mini-batches equals to 4, the following two are same:
- 1 epoch without “–num_iters_per_epoch”
- 4 epoch with “–num_iters_per_epoch” == 1
classmethod build_iter_options(args: Namespace, distributed_option: DistributedOption, mode: str)
abstract classmethod build_model(args: Namespace) → AbsESPnetModel
classmethod build_model_from_file(config_file: Path | str | None = None, model_file: Path | str | None = None, device: str = 'cpu') → Tuple[AbsESPnetModel, Namespace]
Build model from the files.
This method is used for inference or fine-tuning.
- Parameters:
- config_file – The yaml file saved when training.
- model_file – The model file saved when training.
- device – Device type, “cpu”, “cuda”, or “cuda:N”.
classmethod build_multiple_iter_factory(args: Namespace, distributed_option: DistributedOption, mode: str)
classmethod build_optimizers(args: Namespace, model: Module) → List[Optimizer]
abstract classmethod build_preprocess_fn(args: Namespace, train: bool) → Callable[[str, Dict[str, array]], Dict[str, ndarray]] | None
classmethod build_sequence_iter_factory(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, mode: str) → AbsIterFactory
classmethod build_streaming_iterator(data_path_and_name_and_type, preprocess_fn, collate_fn, key_file: str | None = None, batch_size: int = 1, dtype: ~typing.Any | None = <class 'numpy.float32'>, num_workers: int = 1, allow_variable_data_keys: bool = False, ngpu: int = 0, inference: bool = False, mode: str | None = None, multi_task_dataset: bool = False) → DataLoader
Build DataLoader using iterable dataset
classmethod build_task_iter_factory(args: Namespace, iter_options: IteratorOptions, mode: str) → AbsIterFactory
Build task specific iterator factory
>>> class YourTask(AbsTask):
... @classmethod
... def add_task_arguments(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
... parser.set_defaults(iterator_type="task")
... @classmethod
... def build_task_iter_factory(
... cls,
... args: argparse.Namespace,
... iter_options: IteratorOptions,
... mode: str,
... ):
... return FooIterFactory(...)
... @classmethod
... def build_iter_options(
.... args: argparse.Namespace,
... distributed_option: DistributedOption,
... mode: str
... ):
... # if you need to customize options object
classmethod check_required_command_args(args: Namespace)
classmethod check_task_requirements(dataset: AbsDataset | IterableESPnetDataset, allow_variable_data_keys: bool, train: bool, inference: bool = False) → None
Check if the dataset satisfy the requirement of current Task
class_choices_list : List[[ClassChoices](../train/] = []
classmethod exclude_opts() → Tuple[str, ...]
The options not to be shown by –print_config
classmethod get_default_config() → Dict[str, Any]
Return the configuration as dict.
This method is used by print_config()
classmethod get_parser() → ArgumentParser
classmethod main(args: Namespace | None = None, cmd: Sequence[str] | None = None)
classmethod main_worker(args: Namespace)
num_optimizers : int = 1
abstract classmethod optional_data_names(train: bool = True, inference: bool = False) → Tuple[str, ...]
Define the optional names by Task
This function is used by
cls.check_task_requirements() If your model is defined as follows,
>>> from espnet2.train.abs_espnet_model import AbsESPnetModel
>>> class Model(AbsESPnetModel):
... def forward(self, input, output, opt=None): pass
then “optional_data_names” should be as
>>> optional_data_names = ('opt',)
classmethod print_config(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>) → None
abstract classmethod required_data_names(train: bool = True, inference: bool = False) → Tuple[str, ...]
Define the required names by Task
This function is used by
cls.check_task_requirements() If your model is defined as following,
>>> from espnet2.train.abs_espnet_model import AbsESPnetModel
>>> class Model(AbsESPnetModel):
... def forward(self, input, output, opt=None): pass
then “required_data_names” should be as
>>> required_data_names = ('input', 'output')
alias of Trainer