class espnet.nets.tts_interface.TTSInterface
Bases: object
TTS Interface for ESPnet model implementation.
Initilize TTS module.
static add_arguments(parser)
Add model specific argments to parser.
property attention_plot_class
Plot attention weights.
property base_plot_keys
Return base key names to plot during training.
The keys should match what chainer.reporter reports. if you add the key loss, the reporter will report main/loss and validation/main/loss values. also loss.png will be created as a figure visulizing main/loss and validation/main/loss values.
- Returns: Base keys to plot during training.
- Return type: list[str]
calculate_all_attentions(*args, **kwargs)
Calculate TTS attention weights.
- Parameters:Tensor – Batch of attention weights (B, Lmax, Tmax).
forward(*args, **kwargs)
Calculate TTS forward propagation.
- Returns: Loss value.
- Return type: Tensor
inference(*args, **kwargs)
Generate the sequence of features given the sequences of characters.
- Returns: The sequence of generated features (L, odim). Tensor: The sequence of stop probabilities (L,). Tensor: The sequence of attention weights (L, T).
- Return type: Tensor
Load pretrained model parameters.