class espnet2.enh.layers.dcunet.DCUNet(dcunet_architecture: str = 'DilDCUNet-v2', dcunet_time_embedding: str = 'gfp', dcunet_temb_layers_global: int = 2, dcunet_temb_layers_local: int = 1, dcunet_temb_activation: str = 'silu', dcunet_time_embedding_complex: bool = False, dcunet_fix_length: str = 'pad', dcunet_mask_bound: str = 'none', dcunet_norm_type: str = 'bN', dcunet_activation: str = 'relu', embed_dim: int = 128, **kwargs)
Bases: Module
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
fix_output_dims(out, x)
forward(spec, t) → Tensor
Input shape is expected to be $(batch, nfreqs, time)$, with $nfreqs - 1$
divisible by $f_0 * f_1 * … * f_N$ where $f_k$ are the frequency strides of the encoders, and $time - 1$ is divisible by $t_0 * t_1 * … * t_N$ where $t_N$ are the time strides of the encoders. :param spec: complex spectrogram tensor. 1D, 2D or 3D tensor, time last. :type spec: Tensor
- Returns: Tensor, of shape (batch, time) or (time).